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Major Paper 2: Analyze Should Everyone Be Legally Armed?

Essay Instructions:

Select five (5) reliable sources that connect to your major paper topic; • Analyze the texts according to criteria established in Writing Exercise 2; • Identify how each source informs you of your topic in credible ways; • Take notes as you conduct your analysis, and consider how these texts function as a type of filter or screen through which audiences understand the topic; • Draft a thesis statement that suggests how, and the ends to which, these authors use rhetorical strategies to shape the conversation and what that means for the way readers understand the topic in question.

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Should everyone be Legally Armed?
The issue of owning guns in the US is among the most contentious issues today. The country has been involved in one of history’s fiercest fights over whether people should be allowed to own guns or not. On one hand, some people believe that arming themselves is their right and that the constitution protects and advocates for it. This lot often refers to the Second Amendment which states “A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” However, the other lot believes that there should be laws to help control and limit the number of people owning guns. To this lot, the country would be better off if some people did not have it easy when accessing guns. The US has had some of the worst mass shooting experiences with the latest being the Las Vegas shooting where more than 40 lives were lost. Almost every year, the country experiences such an event where a person simply decides to shoot his fellow brothers and sisters. Immediately such events are broadcasted, the country plunges into further debates over whether there should be tougher gun controls with one side seeking to have more people armed. At first, the back and forth on the issue led to the enactment of some laws but currently, talks have stagnated and the rhetoric seems to have shifted with each side seeking to delegitimize the other. The talk, currently, is as diverse and as divided as it can ever be and neither side is willing to listen or even consider the thoughts of the other. In the articles presented below, the diversity will indeed be outlined with some of the arguments from both ends highlighted. This article will simply seek to show how serious the issue is while also highlighting how complex the conversation has become.
Donovan, J. (2016). Why we will always need to own guns. The Federalist. Retrieved October 30, 2017 from http://thefederalist.com/2016/06/24/why-we-will-always-need-to-own-guns/
Everyone has their opinion on this matter and to some people like Donovan, people should indeed own guns. Donovan is one of the pro-gun individuals who believe the country will be safer if more people decide to own guns. First of all, Donovan introduces a new narrative which seeks to explore how masculinity and weapons are aligned. To him, the people who seem to believe that individuals own guns to simply help themselves “feel like men” are wrong. He continues to state that, “in truth, it is opposite: we are men, and therefore we own weapons.” Donovan explicitly says that he not only advocates for people to own guns but also says that he is an owner of what people often refer to ‘weapons of war.’ He is a firm believer in the rhetoric that man should take the first initiative while seeking to defend himself. A man, “understands his role as a defender of himself and those around him, and takes measures to ensure that role is fulfilled.” Donovan’s article is a good read and can easily be used to sway some pro-gun control supporters. He is not only direct but also explicit in his push for people to own guns.
First of all, Donovan is careful in how he approaches the issue and makes it person by using himself as an example and showing that he is among the people who not only speak about their love for guns but also own guns. This approach always appeals to readers especially if they are aligned to one’s line of thinking.
However, Donovan’s article also fails at some point. First of all, he does not include any statistics or figures to support his views. Numbers always help to support a person’s stance on a matter. However, Donovan fails to honor this and therefore, his assertions cannot necessarily be considered strong or fulfilling.
Burnett, Dean. Gun demanding: the psychology of why people want firearms. The Guardian. Accessed October 30, 2017 /science/brain-flapping/2015/oct/07/gun-demanding-control-firearms-psychology
Burnett’s article can be said to be direct and with a purpose. He not only has a goal in mind but also addresses the issue at hand by assessing people and their incessant need to own guns. However, he first mentions something which has become customary in the US. The truth is, the US often gets involved in the gun ownership/gun control laws debate whenever there is a mass shooting. This is not only reminiscent of how divided people are on the issue but also how afraid people are in finding the solution to the matter. The American people seem to live in denial and only want to get into the discussion of gun control when it suits them or when something (mass shooting) happens. Burnett is not only accurate in his account but also seems to understand where the problem is: the people are simply okay with the status quo unless they are directly involved or linked with an incident or issue that relates to gun control or gun ownership.
In his article, Burnett explores the various reasons why people own guns and the reasons are as personal and as relatable as they can be. By making the article personal or relatable, he manages to speak to his readers and make his arguments more appealing to them. He first mentions protection as one of the issues that makes people seek or find a reason to own guns. This reason is not only personal but relatable especially because it is one of the most important reasons why people seek to own guns. In one instance, he states that “humans are all about self-preservation and prone to anticipating ...
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