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Short Biography on Robert Wilson

Essay Instructions:

DRAMA 15 Final Essay Prompt

● The essay should be 2 pages long (double-spaced), around 500 to 600 words.

● The essay will be due by 11:59 pm (midnight) PST on Wednesday, March 16 (finals week).

● The essay will be on an artist or a performance discussed in class and use at least 10 terms learned from the book, other readings, or discussions during class.

● This final essay will count for 10% of the student’s final grade.

● In regard to the citation style, MLA is recommended but not mandatory. You can use whichever style as long as the quotes and references are properly cited (with a list of works cited at the end of your essay).

● Some of the artists we discussed in class (selected, not a complete list): Jan Lauwers (Belgium), Romeo Castellucci, Guy Cassiers (Flemish – Belgium, Netherlands), Ong Keng Sen, Thomas Ostermeier (Germany), Robert Wilson (USA), Katie Mitchell (UK), Ron Athey (USA), Stelarc (Australia), Marina Abramovic (Serbia), Josef Nadj (France), Forced Entertainment (UK)

● Some of the terms we discussed in class (selected, not a complete list): nodals, noodling, intermediality, embodied simulation, Ah-ha! moment, energy storm, headspace, imagined community, motored consciousness, paused consciousness, quotidian consciousness, reflexive consciousness, objecthood, subjectivity, mimicry…

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Robert Wilson
On October 4, 1941, Robert Wilson was born in Waco, Texas. At the age of six or seven, while living in Waco, Robert took about one hundred soup cans, put tall white sticks in them, and busied them in their backyard. The look of these sticks was a nice piece of art that Wilson liked, and years later, it appeared in several of his performances. Nobody knew what the image from these sticks and the cans meant. Wilson's parents felt concerned about their son because Robert could not explain the meaning of the sticks and the image (Tikkanen 2022). Wilson believes that the meaning of the sticks and the cans was part of his embodied simulation though it was hard to explain. At one point, Wilson remembers his mother asking him whether he was fine.
For about 20 years, Wilson's mother kept asking and wondering whether something was wrong with their son. Wilson's parents did not encourage him to pursue his dream in theatre. Wilson's father was a lawyer and wanted him to join a business school, which he did not for himself but to please his father. In 1962, Wilson dropped out of business school and moved to New York to pursue architecture. Despite going to New York to study architecture, Wilson was unsure about what to do with life (Tikkanen 2022). Later on, Wilson moved back to Waco, where there were differences with the parents that ended him in a mental hospital. With the help of a sympathetic psychiatrist, Wilson realized that all he wanted was to leave Waco and move to New York, where he could become a full member of the imagined art community.
In 1966, Robert graduated from Pratt Institute with a degree in interior design. While in Manhattan, Robert started an experimental theatre group running from his loft. While working with his experimental theatre group, Wilson kept noodling with various instruments. Most of the work by Wilson during the early stages of nodals art. Wilson kept practicing without taking any conscious pause and managed to improve his skills which attracted various art elites in New York (Tikkanen 2022). Most of his work was provocative and contradicted time and place, making it more attractive to people. Wilson's specialized in a vast range of productions, and by the early 1970s, the whole of Europe was part of his audience.
Space and time are some of the objecthood scales that made Wilson's work unique as he pushed the boundaries of theatre. The Magic Flute and Salome are some of the most notable works by ...
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