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Solutions to the Fast Fashion Problem

Essay Instructions:

Assignment is due at 12:00 am on Saturday, Feb 26

Please 1) introduce and evaluate one or more significant efforts to address fast fashion you described in your previous assignment; 2) develop an argument about which of the efforts to address the problem work best, explain why, and offer possible next steps; OR make the case that none of the efforts to address the problem works, explain why, and offer possible next steps.​

Your initial research for this assignment should explore the various efforts to shape public opinion through the media; to change policies; to institute new laws or amend existing ones; or to pursue litigation. As you examine these efforts, you should assess their short- and long-term outcomes; their costs (in a variety of senses: cultural, economic, personal, moral, institutional, to name a few) and benefits; their relative fitness in comparison to one another; their ability to produce equitable outcomes; and the obstacles that stand in their way.

At a ​minimum​ the argument in your research paper should integrate evidence from ​10-15 new sources​, at least two of which should involve complex, comprehensive arguments that substantively consider the obstacles at work in solving the problem you addressed in your last writing about fast fashion. You may continue to use relevant sources that you found while researching for the previous research assignment.

The assignment is a build off of the last research piece about fast fashion. Please let me know if you need reminder of the last piece you wrote for me or any further question! Thank you. I will also attach the rubric

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Solutions to the Fast Fashion Problem
Fast fashion refers to low-cost, fashionable, mass-produced clothing that has a significant environmental effect. This clothing appeal to customers since they are both inexpensive and fashionable. These garments are easily abandoned, building up in dumpsters, because they aren't designed to last and run out of fashion promptly. Fast fashion clothing raises a slew of moral challenges in addition to environmental considerations (Niinimäki et al. 199). They are frequently produced in factories, where people work long hours in hazardous settings. The problems with fast fashion include the fact that it contributes to textile waste, increased carbon emissions, water pollution, and unsafe labor conditions (Bick et al. 3). Therefore, the paper focuses on addressing the efforts that could be implemented to reduce the effects of fast fashion. Some of the efforts that could implemented to address this problems include shopping from ethcal sustainable fashion brands and buying quality clothes. These two efforts will be effective to the society because, ethical sustainable brands are likely to provide guidelines on how to dispose or recycle used products which will in return keep the environment clean and also buying quality clothes will help minimize the urge of getting new fashion clothes that will be disposed within a short period of time thus advancing the safety of the environment.
Fast fashion has become a problem because most individuals focus on the short-term advantages of the luxury they are getting without considering the long-term effects of their actions. A safe environment plays an imperative role in enhancing the wellbeing of individuals, but once that is jeopardized, safety cannot be guaranteed (Reichart et al. n.d). For this reason, people must understand the consequences of their actions because it will help them make rational decisions. Several efforts could be implemented to address all the problems triggered by fast fashion; one of them is shopping from sustainable and ethical fashion brands. Paying attention to where we shop could help play a crucial role in informing us that our clothing choices are not harming the environment. This will contribute to reducing our carbon impact and support equitable economic standards for individuals all around the globe. When it comes to making and marketing their commodities, environmental firms consider every phase of the supplier chains, from finding recycled elements to guaranteeing that garment laborers are compensated fairly. Checking our preferred brand's vision and principles to see if they publish their environmental policies before finalizing a transaction could be beneficial.
Another effort that could be implemented to address the fashion problem and reduce its impacts is buying clothes less often. In case of buying is necessary, considering the quality could be adequate. Fast fashion shops have persuaded us that we must have the most up-to-date style in our wardrobes to be comfortable, yet these designs are frequently made of low-quality fabrics that do not last, forcing us to purchase more (Hutchison). We ought to be picky about what we wear if we oppose fast fashion. Donating or selling slightly used clothes instead of dumping them could also help reduce fast fashion's impact on the environment. Hosting a clothing swap is also an alternative to fast fashion because it advances access to new clothes without the necessity of buying or dumping.
Distinctive and antique fashions may be found in thrift stores all over the globe, but more businesses are adopting the secondhand strategy to combat fast fashion. Considering the effects of transporting and cleaning supplies, an analysis conducted in the Finnish scientific journal Environmental Research Letters in 2021 concluded that leasing clothes is more hazardous to the environment than disposing of them (Tabachenko). However, some rental fashion sectors have disputed the conclusions, claiming that leasing clothes can reduce carbon emissions by slowing client use and extending the lifespan of garments that would ordinarily be discarded in landfills. There is no single solution that will render the fashion industry green, but instead, a variety of options to lessen the sector's negative environmental impact. Individuals may now easily protest against excess production and reduce their ecological footprint, thanks to the rise of online secondhand stores and rental businesses. Recycling textiles and garments are also a strategy to address the fast-fashion problem. Some retail companies are aware of their adverse environmental effects and minimize their carbon footprints.
In relation to the efforts and alternatives meant to reduce the fast-fashion problem, buying high-quality clothes is the best effort and alternative. This is because it is the opposite of fast fashion, and the fact that it goes against all fast fashion principles. Fast fashion supports the idea of change, but high-quality clothes are not defined with change. One of the reasons high-quality clothing addresses the problem best is its durability. High-quality clothing is significantly more enduring than fast fashion apparel and is by far the essential benefit of purchasing it. Higher-quality apparel is frequently labeled because of the high-quality fabrics used and the production procedures used (Boykoff et al.). Another reason why purchasing high quality addresses the problem of fast fashion is their longevity. Longevity and durability go synonymously. Clothing manufacturers using long-lasting fabrics and trustworthy production procedures are more inclined to make a lasting impression without losing authenticity. Higher-quality clothes do not need to be renewed as frequently as the clothing of lower durability, conserving the wearer's time, expense, and aggravation.
Fighting the fast-fashion problem will not impact just by mentioning what is supposed to be done, but instead, several actions could be implemented to ensure that change is embraced. These actions revolve around shaping the public's opinion through the media by widening their perspective towards fast fashion and even showing them its impact on the environment, intervening and changing policies supporting the fast fashion industries, and finally instituting or amending new laws.
Shaping the public's opinion through social media about the effects of fast fashion and their impacts on the environment is straightforward and, to some extent, will have a substantial impact. The first effort t...
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