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Summary of "The Pathfinder" Book

Essay Instructions:

This Pathfinder Summary II involves asking you a few questions about Chapters 15-29.

Please answer each question thoroughly with GENUINE reflection rather than "correct" answers. Your entire paper should be at least 5-7 pages in length, typed, double-spaced in 12-point font with one-inch margins, pages numbered, your name on the upper left corner, and edited for spelling and grammatical errors. Yes, you can number your responses but DO NOT use bullet points. Write in complete sentences with thoughtful responses.

Make sure to upload your summary as either a WORD or PDF document. "PAGES" or "RTF" documents are unacceptable as Canvas cannot open them. If we cannot open your file, you will not receive credit. Make sure to turn in your assignment on the Canvas Discussion Section site.

1. How does The Pathfinder specifically define "purpose?" What, according to Lore, does it mean to "live from a purpose?" What, in your own opinion, are the benefits to living from a purpose? What are some of the drawbacks to living from a purpose? Is it possible/useful to distinguish between living from a purpose and working from a purpose? How so?

2. Choose one "purpose" that you would be willing to dedicate yourself to in the next few years of your life. Declare your purpose by writing it down as one complete sentence/statement in BOLD font. Then, discuss at least two ways to express, achieve, or succeed with your chosen purpose. Finally, are you ready to "live from this purpose?" Why or why not? Do you envision "working from this purpose?" How so? How does having a sociological imagination (that you've been developing in this course) help you live and/or work from your stated purpose?

3. While you may have your heart set on a particular profession, brainstorm a list of TWO possible career choices that you could see yourself doing. Think about your talents, personality, dreams, plans, and goals. For each career choice, discuss

1) why you're interested in that career, and

2) why you'd be successful in that career. Which is your top career choice? Why is it your top choice, and what skills and talents (the book makes distinctions between each of these, so discuss both) do you have that would ensure your success in that particular career?

4. How does Sociology as a discipline fit into the two possible career choices you've just discussed (in question #3)? How might this specific course (Sociology 1) influence your future education and career trajectories?

5. Choose ONE of the "Inquiries" that you completed from Chapters 15-29 to discuss. Which inquiry did you complete (name it) and what was the overall outcome/result of the inquiry (describe in detail what you did)? Why did you decide to complete that particular inquiry and what personal insights did you gain from doing it? How might this inquiry help in finishing school, making future decisions and planning your career?

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Social 1 – The Pathfinder Analysis
The Pathfinder book revolves around changing career options for individuals over their lifetime. The decision to change from one career path to another depends on various factors. An individual's purpose and satisfaction are central to the evolving careers in life. Nicholas Lore explores strategies to determine the best job that suits an individual. The paper comprehensively analyzes the pertinent questions relating to the chapters of The Pathfinder booklet by Lore.
Question 1
Pathfinder gives detailed definitions to various terms such as mission, passion, personality, talents, and purpose. The author explores the term purpose and gives it a specified meaning in relation to an individual's life. Lore explicitly defines purpose as an ongoing commitment that shapes individuals to become who they are and gives them an authentic identity (Lore, p.390). "Purpose" is coiled to mean the place where an individual comes from, rather than the beliefs, goals, and achievements a person hold. Purpose gives an identity and reveals the kind of person one is becoming. The latter is not just about what an individual does or believes in. Lore provides a detailed evaluation of the word "purpose" in relation to an individual's personality, life, and aspirations.
According to Lore, Purpose enables an individual to uplift and bring sunshine to other people's lives. A person's entire or a portion of your life becomes organized around a single, overarching goal. Instead of relying on your feelings or thoughts to guide your actions, you look to your purpose for guidance. It doesn't come crashing down from the sky. A purpose is neither found nor discovered. If you want one, you must first decide which one you want (Lore, p.391). Living from a purpose entails using personal efforts, skills, and knowledge to impact other people's lives positively. Living from a sense transforms an individual into extraordinary when a rare talent combines with a noble purpose. Living from a purpose can also be interpreted as finding oneself, developing the passion and commitment to a particular principle, and serving the principle. Purpose in life often pushes individuals to reinvent themselves beyond seeking fulfillment.
Living from a purpose is beneficial to both the individual and society. First, an individual receives an unlimited supply of fulfillment. Consequently, it gives guidance, direction, and comfort in difficult times. Moreover, it motivates individuals to make life valuable and achieve more success. Lastly, it brings a sense of aliveness that makes life adventurous. Living from a purpose has its setbacks. One of the setbacks associated with living from a purpose is stress and worry of loss. It also mounts pressure always to do the best without failure. Living and working from a purpose proves inseparable since they revolve around making a positive contribution to the world and being the change you desire.
Question 2
Almost everyone in life has a purpose of achieving. My purpose is to attain self-empowerment to empower others in life. In the next few years of my life, I will use all resources and efforts at my disposal to empower other people. The purpose aligns with the continual process of creating the best version of myself while living as an epitome of humanity. Recovering from anxiety and depression fights gives the zeal and drive to empower and motivate those in the same situation of depression, anxiety, and stress. By attaining self-empowerment, I will be in an excellent position to make others be and feel like the best versions of themselves. I can achieve my purpose by practicing self-care and assertiveness and developing trust and cooperation with others.
Practicing self-care and assertiveness are the first step to attaining self-empowerment. Self-care encompasses any action that I do to feel happy and healthy. It involves everything from eating healthy and exercising to pampering myself to a spa session. Scheduling time to rest and rejuvenate will make me more productive. Additionally, being kind to oneself will help build confidence in my abilities to handle and overcome suffering (Lore). Self-empowerment also requires a level of comfort in expressing my opinions, ideas, and desires. Through assertiveness, self-empowerment is achievable. Developing a sense of trust and cooperation in empowering other people is vital. To achieve the purpose, I will create bonds and good relationships with people in rehab centers to share my experience. Through that, I will empower them to change their attitude, character, and behavior.
I am ready to live with the purpose. My desire to help people suffering from mental and psychological conditions drives me to make the purpose achievable. Having been in depression for quite some time, I understand what it takes to help people fight those conditions and change their lives. I envision working from the purpose due to the desire to open up my rehabilitation and counseling center. Sociological imagination helps me better understand the societal aspects a...
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