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Shifts In The Industrial Paradigm Writing Assignment

Essay Instructions:

Please note that I am an architecture major student. So the essay should be tightly connect to the field of architecture.

Essay must be submitted in PDF format. Single-spaced lines in Calibri, Arial, or other approved font. Font sizes 10- 12pt are acceptable.

Essays should be 1-page in length. Text should focus on the critical analysis of the two texts. Quotes and re-quoting of text or others should be kept to a minimum, no more than 10-20% of the entire essay. (Please at lease put in two quotes from two texts.) The essay must focus its attention on the two readings, other outside sources may be brought in, but only as secondary information to the main discussion.

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Analysis of Texts
Part 1
In the text titled Agrophilia or the Love of Horizontal Spaces, it has been mentioned that cultural landscapes have long influenced the way people look at the cultural diversity and traditions of the United States. They are not only associated with an event or person but also linked to one another. The author of this text does not look happy and satisfied with those cultural landscapes as he says that “the lack of variety in much of our man-made environment is recognized by anyone who has traveled widely in this country” (p. 67). He thinks that most of the landscapes found in the United States comprise of thousands of acres, but they are not as beautiful and attractive as tiny homesteads found in other parts of the world. Collectively, American landscapes can be called a good work of art, expression of religious identity and narrative of culture. The author has suggested some changes in their structures and wants the government to pay attention to their overall look and styles. Personally, I think that not all of his suggestions and arguments are valid. The fact is that the United States has many cultural landscapes that are far more beautiful and better than the landscapes of Europe and Canada. For example, Bryce Canyon National Park is one of the best tourist points in the United States. It is situated in Utah and is known for its appealing, crimson-colored hoodoo...
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