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Does the Creature love Victor Frankenstein?

Essay Instructions:

Explain and justify your response by incorporating at least three relevant passages from the novel into your argument. Elegantly integrate as well at least one outside source into the essay. All sources must be cited and included in a works cited list using MLA style.

For the sake of clarity, underline your thesis in the essay.

Text of essay must be double-spaced, 12-point font, 1-inch margins.

Number your pages.

A specific thesis statement that makes a sophisticated, original, and arguable claim about the text (Thesis = the topic + your assertion)

A tightly constructed, unified argument that supports or develops the thesis and addresses the meaning of the text (as opposed to the text’s value, importance, history, etc.)

Well-interpreted, fully supported evidence from the text for all claims with citations and relevant quotations from the text that tie your argument specifically to the text.

One outside source

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Relationship between Victor Frankenstein and the creature
November 3, 2018
Relationship between Victor Frankenstein and the creature
Mary Shelley has used arts of language and imagery to highlight the great affection establishment between Frankenstein and the monster he made throughout the novel. Within a short time after creation of the monster, signs of affection was mere. It became less compassionate because there was element of fear to revenge and destruction. Many themes including nature against itself and love versus hate has been used to effectively express development of the complex relationship between Frankenstein and the monster throughout the novel. This paper will discuss different occasions and themes in the novel that highlight gradual development of relationship between Frankenstein and the monster.
Victor left Geneva for studies in Ingolstadt. He became enthusiastic in his studies ignoring important aspects of social life to an extent of not being concerned of his parents back in Geneva. He became focused with studies of human life from formation of human being to death and decay of human body (Mary, Chp. 3). Victor decided to discover the secret of life, he begun to animate creatures of special human being in his apartment where no one else could easily access. He becomes more devoted and ambitious in making his creation which is finished within a short period. He finds no peace in his house after completing his creation because he was haunted by the creation horrifying state which forced him to leave the apartment. He meet his friend Henry, who took care of him for a period of several months. Victor ignored everything to get his creation to life. This highlights the theme of price of ambition and the desire to create, transform and generate.
Later that year, victor and his friend decided to visit Geneva but they didn’t stay for long before going back to the university. Victor found a letter from his father about death of his younger brother. This made Victor go back to Geneva where thoughts that the monster he made took his brother away. At a point he wanted to commit suicide but the relationship she had built with Elizabeth changed his mind. In Geneva he developed courage to appreciate nature which made him realize that he was afraid of the monsters physical strength (Mary, chp. 15). He regained his relationship with the monster and understood that the creation he had made was not a scientific product of elements but an actual living being with emotions and needs. Death of his brother and regained love with the monster highlights the theme of birth and death i...
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