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Positive and Negative Influences of Text Speaks on Student's Writing Skills

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Texting and Writing
Texting means sending and receiving typed messages using cellular phones. It has become a common means of communication as it is easy and fast because it does not involve verbal conversations over the phone. Texting is also convenient since messages are received instantly and can be replied instantly. People can text from anywhere, and this also makes it the most convenient form of communication. However, for messages to be typed quickly, most people prefer using abbreviations instead of writing words in full, and this language is called text speak. In the article, Texting, and Writing, by Michaela Cullington, the author argues that text speak may have both positive and negative effects on writing skills. In my argument, I do agree with Cullington that indeed text speaks has positive and negative influences on the writing skills of the students and the students should follow grammatical rules when using text speak to improve their language.
Cullington states that text speaks gives people the ability to pass messages precisely and openly in as few words as possible (Cullington 90). Texting motivates people to embrace the culture of writing. However, text speak has a significant effect on the mastering of communication skills by students, proven by their inability to convey their emotions openly. Most of the learners are unable to convey their emotions through text speak. Students are deprived of a chance to be creative and are unable to share their ideas with others due to being accustomed to the texting way of communication. For instance, texting applications come with symbols called smileys that symbolize different facial expressions. Young people find themselves hiding behind expressions of happiness and even when they are hurting about something; they will still send messages that they are doing well. As such, texting deprives people of a chance to connect and share their feelings.
The author suggests that students should also be able to differentiate between texting and formal writing when it comes to using short forms and abbreviations. However, in most cases even though the author says that it should be the case, there are rare occasions where learners differentiate between text writing and formal writing. Texting diminishes the ability of students to write correctly. Using short forms when texting, results in students making spelling and grammar mistakes when writing essays at school. Teachers come across ridiculous short forms and misspelled words on a daily basis, for instance, the word ‘to' being substituted for ‘2' and ‘great' for ‘gr8'. In as much as students are reminded to avoid making such mistakes, they are used to text speak to the extent that writing short forms has become a normality. Therefore, it is impo...
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