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Bullying and Discrimination Influence on Behavior of Children

Essay Instructions:

My mean argument is "The discrimination of children's identity will influence their characters". Please read the picture in"file". For this essay, please try to narrow in on something more SPECIFIC, I want to focus on how childhood interactions can make people into bullies. Please read “ Childhood as Spectacle: Relays of Anxiety and the Reconfiguration of the Child,” Cindi Katz and selecting five additional secondary sources( three of which must be scholarly) and I have selected two scholarly texts, it will be helpful for you: “Discrimination, crime, ethnic identity, and parenting as correlates of depressive symptoms among African American children: A multilevel analysis”/ “STEREOTYPE SUSCEPTIBILITY IN CHILDREN: Effects of Identity Activation on Quantitative Performance." So you need to find two or three more sources.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Bullying and Discrimination Influence on Behavior of Children
The experiences of children during early childhood development can influence their behavior in different ways. There are different experiences that children go through in the early stages of development that can influence their behavior in different ways. One of the common experiences that the children go through is discrimination. Discrimination can affect children in different ways and discrimination also comes in different forms. The effects of discrimination may not be felt when the children are still young but they are revealed when the children have grown up and they are in their adolescent stage and even when they are adults. In this paper, I present the argument that the incidences of discrimination that children go through such as bullying and racial discrimination influence the behavior of a child when they grow up.
Bullying during childhood takes different forms. It is based on the formation of specific relationships between the children who are bullied, the children who bully others and the children who observe the bullying. Bullying in early childhood can be revealed through such incidents as the physical aggression of the child such as pinching or fighting, destroying their friend's artwork and many other forms. In most cases, the children who have undergone through such habits display them during their adolescent stage or when they are young adults. When they are in high school, for instance, they engage in fighting and they may be moved from one school to another due to their bully behavior. If the children are not stopped, then the behaviors will become persistent and they will be carried on to their adulthood and it will be very difficult to work with other people in the workplace. One of the ways through which you can prevent a child from engaging in bullying is through teaching them to learn on the ways through which they can cooperate with the other children when they're still young. For instance, you can engage them in various activities where they will be able to socialize with the other children.
During the adolescent stage and young adulthood, most of the minority become aware of their ethnic and racial belonging as a component of their identity. At this point, most of them can realize the negative societal views and prejudices that are associated with their ethnic or racial group. It will increase the sensitivity of young adults toward the incidences of bias and discrimination. The environment is one of the greatest tools that can be used in the social construction of childhood experiences and the experiences that the children go through can influence their lives in different ways. As Cind Katz notes in her article, Childhood as a Spectacle: Relays of Anxiety and Reconfiguration of the Child, ‘The deep anxieties and ontological insecurity provoked by contemporary political, economic, geopolitical and environmental conditions are channeled into certain modes in the production of children and they are later materialized in their bodies’(Katz, 15). As the author of the article notes, most of these behaviors reveal themselves in a physical form.
Bullying behavior can also take another social form which is not necessarily physical. Social bullying occurs when people exclude someone from their group or by using them as a scapegoat. During the early stages of bullying, the victim can completely avoid going to school, walking at particular streets so that they can avoid the "bad guys' who are the bulliesCITATION McK10 \p p.45 \l 1033 (McKown p.45). Such a habit tends to create social isolation for the victim. The victim can feel unhappy, ashamed, battered and isolated. In some cases, the victim can have a physical illness and low self-esteem. The parents of the children are always encouraged to be on the watch out for the children so that they can realize any abnormal behaviors among the children and look for ways of resolving the issue at that time. The issues should be dealt with when the children are in the early stages of their development so as to avoid the manifestation of the challenges when the children have grown up. As mentioned previously, children who go through such incidences will show a habit that is more egocentric and they are not willing to cooperate with people so that they can work towards a common goal. There is a low self-esteem for such children and the only way of making them to come out of the situation is the use of positive stereotypes. In the research article, Stereotype Susceptility in Children: Effects of Identity Activation on Quantitative Performance, the research indicates, ‘the activation of negative stereotypes can impede cognitive performance in adults whereas positive stereotypes can facilitate cognitive performance’C...
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