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Monogatari Series of Novels and the Tale of Genji

Essay Instructions:

Instructions: Since we did not have enough time to "respond to" the text Decameron, I am giving you one more topic to discuss it along with another prompt regarding Genji, which we will continue talking about through next week. The requirements are as usual, 150-200 words preferably excluding your quotes. The deadline is 8:00 AM 7th November (I think from now on the rest of the your responses will be due on Wednesday so that hopefully you will be more flexible with your schoolwork), but no late submission is accepted.

Option 1: Citing examples from two of the Decameron tales and consider how a desirable truth is often a mere construct of words. Does it make language itself mesmerizing yet untrustworthy? How are we able to recognize the truth if words are no longer reliable?

Option 2: Define monogatari and think about its sub-divisions. What is the difference between monogatari and other genres we have learned so far? Please use at least two examples to categorize The Tale of Genji as historical, romantic, fantastic, or another type within the form.

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Monogatari is a series of Japanese novels illustrated by Vofan and written by Nisio Isin. There are over 20 novels in this series, and the series has been around since 2006. According to Masakata Kanazawa, there are plans to add a number of additional novels to the Monogatari series (Kanazawa 112). The story revolves around a third-year-student Koyomi Araragi, who survives vampire attacks and comes forward to help a few girls trapped by ghosts, spirits and mythological beasts.
The Monogatari series of novels consists of different genres, ranging from suspense to horror and from romance to family drama and emotions. Its core categories are Taketori Monogatari, Hyakumonogatari Kaidankai, Ise Monogatari, Genji Monogatari, Yoru no Nezame and Heiji Monogatari, etc. I think that all of these genres are ...
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