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Article Report Shakespeare Greatest Writers In English Literature

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Article Report

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Shakespeare is extensively considered to be one of the greatest writers in English literature. The article tries to analyze the mystery behind the true identity of Shakespeare, who is regarded to be England’s famous writer and poet. James and Rubinstein, (75) determine that the facts about Shakespeare’s life history appear to contradict the supreme brilliance of his literary work. The article reveals that Shakespeare was brought up in an illiterate household and his education ended when he was thirteen years. The article showcases that Shakespeare’s life between his marriage in 1582, and his appearance in the 1590s, is a mystery (214). During the 1590s, individuals in London assumed that Shakespeare had written plays and poems. His emergence in the 18thcentury as a prominent English national writer triggered many researchers, archivists, and historians to search for clues that could have led them to discover about Shakespeare’s life and his achievement as a national English writer. Shakespeare life history is said to have been edited as a biography in the “will of Alexander Houston of Lea, Lancashire” (214). Shakespeare was alleged to be known as William Shakeshafte and was a teacher in two affluent Lancashire Catholic dignified households.
Shakespeare’s alleged achievements have no supportive literature that illustrates his workings. Instead, the allegations are made by other writers who ascertain how Shakespeare was a prominent actor who had settled with an acting group in London. The article disputes facts about his achievements given that he came from a humble background and that most scholars of his era insisted that one could only become England’s national poet if they were noblemen and not commoners who originated from humble backgrounds. His background contrast his achievements which showcase how Shakespeare had the largest vocabulary of about 37,000 words, as well as introduced numerous English sayings like &ldqu...
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