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Self-Portrait with Thorn Necklace and Hummingbird

Essay Instructions:

For the Synthesis Project, students will curate an exhibit to represent the human cultures and cultural expressions of the Americas.

This means making critical AND creative choices. We don’t have to – and maybe we can’t – represent all of the human experience around the turn of the century. Yet we can be thoughtful about what we choose to represent and how we do so in ways that strive to be meaningful.


Select 10 works of art or cultural objects (these should be “major” artworks or cultural/historical objects of widely agreed upon significance, such as a work of literature or architecture) and design a museum exhibit to showcase them.

All 10 works of art or objects should be from the Americas, the focus of this course. Although the works do not have to have been featured in the course material.


The best projects will have a strong sense of unity, theme and/or comprehensive vision; they will not simply be a "top 10 list."


Open your project with a statement of your exhibit's focus or theme, a clearly stated rationale of your selections (why you chose what you chose) and the logic that unifies your exhibit as a whole.


Then proceed in order according to your concept to present each of your ten selected artifacts and include a short paragraph with each offering - think about how museums often have small posters or wall displays with educational and historical information presented alongside the artifacts in their exhibits.


Connect your project rationale to each selected artifact or by offering connecting paragraphs to explain sections of your exhibit (this depends on your design of the project and may not be exactly the same for every student).


Conclude your project report by offering a short paragraph that synthesizes your ideas about how you intend the exhibit to work as a whole and believe it would contribute to our understanding of humanities and your project's theme.


Your project should be formatted as an MLA essay, yet should include at least 10 images (one for each artifact) and may include 1 additional image if you would like to sketch a design of your whole exhibit.

I want my theme to be about Feminism, portraits like the Malinche and art from Frida khalo

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Feminism Portraits
Women artist and painters incorporated their work with explicit, highly painful, and emotional expressions and most are considered autobiographical (lindauer 7). They build a patrimony of cultural ideas, social values, and artistic techniques, which are today important. Below are some example of feminism art.
Frida Kahlo
Self-Portrait with Thorn Necklace and Hummingbird
Harry Ransom Center
Frida Kahlo used colors and explored the theme of death. This was so because at her time being a feminine was the norm for women. She gracefully showed her facial hair and the moustache was always depicted in her works.
Frida Kahlo
Frieda and Diego Rivera, 1931
Dressed in costume that depicts a typical Mexican woman, the positioning of the portrait shows the traditional marriage portrait where the woman is on the left hand of the man to show her lesser moral status.
source: /article/artsy-editorial-11-radical-latin-american-women-artists/amp.
Artist:Maria Izquierdo
Portrait: Cibeles Henestrosa nina,
Galeria Oscar Roman
source: /article/artsy-editorial-11-radical-latin-american-women-artists/amp.
Artist: Maria Izquierdo
Portrait: Our Lady of Sorrows,
“Paint the Revolution: Mexican Modernism 1910-1950” at Philadelphia Museum of Art.
Maria Izquierdo was born in 1902, lived and worked in Mexico. The surrealist artist went against the political art that was prevailing at her time and she took upon her to incorporate elements of the popular Mexican culture and elements of myth with content relating to her own subconscious, emotions and identity.
source: /article/artsy-editorial-11-radical-latin-american-women-artists/amp.
Artist: Marisol
Portrait: The Family, 1969
El Museo de Barrio
source: /article/artsy-editorial-11-radical-latin-american-women-artists/amp.
Artist: Marisol
Portrait: Potrait of Martha Graham,
Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art
Born in1930 Marisol lived, and worked in Venezuela before moving to the US. Born as Maria Sol Escobar was more visible than Andy Warhol in the 1960s. Her pieces i...
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