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Literature & Language
English (U.S.)
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13th Documentary E/A form Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

This week we will be watching the "documentary 13th" (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.by Ava DuVernay.

You will be asked to complete another E/A form for this assignment. I recommend watching this moving documentary more than once. It is available on Netflix. Please contact me if you are having issues accessing this film.


Essay Sample Content Preview:
Source: 13th Documentary
Evidence 1
According to the documentary “13th” by filmmaker Ava Duverney, there is substantial evidence that the provision has contributed to the mass incarcerations in the US. Statistics indicate that about 25% of the incarcerated people in the world are in prison facilities in the US with the majority of them being persons of African American descent (Duverney n.p). From the documentary, there is a clip of former President Nixon insinuating that black people are a menace to the society. There are images of black prisoners chained together doing forced and menial work which is reminiscent of the happenings during the slavery period. Also from the documentary, it is noted that during the early 20th century, imprisoned black people were kept in zoos for the general public’s entertainment and satisfaction and in what was a deliberate action to characterize black people as members of a criminal, savage and suspicious race (Duverney n.p).

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