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Ghachar Ghochar by Suketu Menta author of Maximum City

Essay Instructions:

book name is Ghachar Ghochar by Suketu Menta author of Maximum City

Choose one or the main characters (Anita) in the novella and explore their motivations for making the behavior choices they choose. It might be easiest if you focus on their conflicts. Additionally if instead of the main characters you would like to evaluate the motives of a few smaller character perhaps choose two related minor characters Vincent and the Coffe House.

Use one or two of the cognitive theories below to help you analyze the characters' motivations and be mindful of the cultural norms of the novella. I India is culturally a patriarchal system so do some research on its relatively strict gender and family expectations before launching into your analysis. You will want to ensure you are not imposing American cultural expectations upon their behavior.

Genre: persuasive, multi source argument essay

Audienve: peers in the class.


Ghachar, Ghochar plus 2-3 other related sources

Please let me know if this is clear.

Thank you

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Ghachar Ghochar
Written by Kannada author Vivek Shanbhag, Ghachar Ghochar is a 2015 psychological or family novella that was translated into English by Srinath Perur. It is set in Bangalore, and the story revolves around the lives of the unnamed narrator and his wife (Anita). After reading the book, I got know that all of the narrator’s relatives are introduced with a reference to their money or financial situation. It looks like every member of his family, such as sister Malati, wife Anita, and uncle Chikkappa, are there to fulfill a specific function.
Anita, before her marriage, was born and raised in a low-income family. Her behavioral choices are dependent on how her husband treats her and how much money she has to meet her expenses. Anita is wary of the money-centered family dynamic (Perur 12). In one way or the other, she despises the narrator’s dependence on his uncle whose style of doing the business is less than honorable. The motive behind it is to help the narrator overtake the fortune of his uncle.
Throughout the book, Anita makes a lot of uncertain behavioral choices, and it looks like she is not happy with her current situation. She came to the narrator’s life from a poor family, and in his house, she got all the comforts and facilities of life. Still, Anita looks unhappy with everything she has. She is repulsed by the situation of her family and wants it to get changed as soon as possible. The uncle, on the other hand, is the only member of the family who does some work to make money. The narrator also goes to the office, but he does not have any work to do, and his earnings have been lowered in recent months.
Anita and the narrator think that the life is full of problems. The sudden change in their fortune makes Anita think negatively. She looks tired of her husband and her in-laws. She has become habitual of living a comfortable life, and Anita does not want anything to change ever. This is why she encourages her husband to stand by the side of the unc...
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