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Marriage Or Birth Of Child Or Moving To Foreign Country

Essay Instructions:

The essay should be about the event that change my life such as marriage, birth of child a child, Moving to a foreign country or the loss of someone close to me. You can select only one topic from the abov I write it.

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Marriage Gradually Changed My Life
I used to be a careless girl, and I never knew the importance of marriage before meeting the man of my dreams. I had no idea of how difficult it is to raise children. He and I fell in love with each other in the high school. We chose the same college and university for higher studies and did not think of quitting on each other since we had decided to get married after completing the studies. When he started his job, he sent his parents to my house, and the plan of our marriage was finalized. I had never expected radical changes in my life; however, I found that being with him 24/7 is indeed an excellent experience. It’s too difficult to describe how he changed me and brought positivity to my life.
I was the girl who had never bothered to cook something, but after the marriage, he politely taught me how to cook food, and his mother and father were amazed to see the bonding of two of us. He knew that I am a carefree person, and he never took me for granted as he had decided to transform my life right after the marriage. I had heard that love is all about giving yourself, but I had never experienced this feeling prior to marrying him. My husband, for the first few months after marriage, used to come back to the home right at 6:00 p.m. so that both of us could sp...
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