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Writing Assignment On How I See Life As Poetic

Essay Instructions:

Write a two page paper on what poetry means in your life or how you see life as “poetic.”

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Life is the greatest mystery of all, and living it to the fullest means that we have to hold our own power of interpreting it, in a sense poetically. What is poetry? How does it make our lives more meaningful? Poetry is something that gives colour to our experiences, and gives depth to our perception and ideas. Living a poetic life is about looking at your experiences and your actions and intentions as works of art. It is about creating and perceiving through the lens of passion and significance.
To be an artist means being able to entice an audience to pursue an act with passion and obligation. How do they do this? They do this by making their work, into an art form, dedicating their creativity and putting a profound reason to what they do. We know how chefs on the TV are able to excite their viewers by preparing food artistically. They simply do their practice in way that showcases the intrinsic value of each ingredient, and then creating a balance of flavour that utilizes each ingredients unique characteristic. Living a poetic life is doing just that in real life. We acquire knowledge and then we interpret our reality by using these knowledge like ingredients, and seeking a balance of the integration of each of our experiences.
Probably, these chefs do not see themselves as simple cooks, but as artisans in their field with food as the basis for their creations. It is like poetry, but instead of words, they use food and so they involve themselves on the artistry of the preparation of ingredients and flavour as their way of expressing themselves creatively.
To live a poetic life is not necessarily joining a poetry class or an art class and then learning to write poems or paint. It is much deeper than that as at the heart of poetics is the light of creativity, permeating all of creation. It is about bringing up the passion and consciousness of an artist to the things that you love doing. Your work, becomes your art, and we know that everything is art as long as it was done with purpose and inspiration. To live a poetic life is more of a perspective of living rather than a practice, and it all starts in the realization that we ourselves are creators and that we are artist when we create and contribute to the world in a greater sense.
When we use our imagination and we tinker with the way we think and interpret life, that is true poetry. It all involves and revolves around our imagin...
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