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Importance of Providing Children with Sex Education

Essay Instructions:

Topic is "Should children be taught about sex?" First paragraph Introduction(has thesis statement). Three topic paragraphs each has a reference. Lastly restate thesis&summary.

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Should Children Be Taught About Sex?
Sex education is training program on topics related to human sexuality. Sex education covers topics about sexual abstinence, sexual reproduction, safe sex and also reproductive rights. This program also discusses the aspects of being a male and female and also psychological and physiological sexual reproduction. Caregivers, parents and school programs are the common avenues for children sex education. Earlier, children in many cultures were not taught about sexual matters, and discussion about such issues was considered taboo. However, in the 20th century, children, particularly during puberty obtained information about sexual matters from the media and also from friends (Sauerteig 248). Lack of sex education results in increased teenage pregnancies and unplanned parenthood. Sex education stands to protect children from risky behaviors and reduction of sexually transmitted infections. Accordingly, the understudy will shed light on the importance of providing children with sex education.
Sex education should be offered to children in schools, especially at an early age. Many children feel shy when their parents talk about sexual issues and change happening in their bodies. However, it is essential when sex education becomes a compulsory subject in schools. Research shows that many children do not feel uncomfortable when asking their teachers about issues troubling them (Marcovitz 145). Teachers will, however, take responsibilities of ensuring that children have the right understanding regarding sex. When children receive an appropriate sex instruction, they are possibly going to delay their sexual initiation and also learn to use sex protection when they start engaging in sex. Providing a strong foundation of sex education will help ensure that children will grow to be sexually healthy. In schools, quality sex enlightenment should begin in kindergarten where pupils should be taught about the names of the sex parts and difference between a bad touch and a right touch. Pupils in fourth to fifth graders should be educated about puberty and changes happening in their bodies. Lastly, the seventh, eighth and the ninth graders should be taught about the reproduction, body image, abstinence, H.I.V and also disease prevention.
Children sex education is useful because it reduces sexual risks like sexually transmitted diseases and H.IV. Providing sex education is highly helpful because it gives children knowledge about impacts brought by sexual disease and also learn about prevention measures. Children should be offered a comprehensive sex education and programs about the causes and effects of H.I.V and STDs. This programs can reduce the age and rates into which children initiate in sexual activities. Wh...
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