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ENGL-1100 Assignment: Renewable Energy, Climate Changes

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Please don't forget make this essay's concept map, it be similar to logic tree diagram. And i already this essay's requirement and template. Thank you!

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Yiqing Gao
Johnston Hallie
Renewable Energy
Commitment to address climate change requires sustainability measures targeting sustainability including the use of renewable resources to achieve. Support for renewable energy among legislators and policy makers is low even when the public may at times supports these energy sources. The costs of renewable sources also present a challenge and as the effects of climate change are long term there is no sense of urgency to make renewable energy sources more efficient. Focus on the relationship between climate change and conflicts are explored as this affects local communities on a large scale and affects how resources are used.
Sources and Annotations
Carlson, Scott. "Whatever Happened to the Drive for Campus Sustainability?." Chronicle of
Higher Education, vol. 62, no. 11, 13 Nov. 2015, p. 23. EBSCOhost, spot.lib.auburn.edu/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=aph&AN=110915099&site=ehost-live.
While colleges had big activist movements that focused on sustainability initiatives, this is not the case right now as enthusiasm is low. Student environmentalists were expected to take the charge as leaders who supported and kept the issue of campus sustainability alive. For instance, in 2010, sustainability groups were some of the fastest growing in campus, and sustainability has mostly been associated with green projects and other issues like sexual assault have garnered more interest. The loss in momentum has meant that some of the sustainability programs in higher education maybe scaled back. Nonetheless, raising awareness on sustainability and coordinating activities associated with sustainability will improve viability of sustainability issues and climate change mitigation efforts.
Concept Map
Perception of climate change Low environmental and risk awareness are associated with doubts on the effects of climate change (Lockwood, 2013)There is also low political salience and incentives affecting adoption of climate change policiesClimate change threatens food productionTher...
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