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Scene Analysis (Literature & Language Essay)

Essay Instructions:

Movie Name


Jonathan Pryce actor; Robert De Niro actor; Michael Palin actor; Kim Greist actor; Katherine Helmond actor; Terry Gilliam film director; Universal Pictures

Universal Pictures 1985 online resource(1 video file(132 min.))

The requirement is downbelow

Brazil, CLIP: Restaurant scene with Sam Lowry, his mother and friends. Time code: 19:30—23:57

• How does the mise-en-scène serve to construct the humor/satire in this scene?

• How is color used to draw the viewer’s attention to specific aspects and incidents in the scene?

• How does the sound (dialogue/music/sound effects) contribute to the scene’s overall impact?

• How does the sound and image together lead the viewer to make certain assumptions about the characters?

When addressing the questions, you may find some overlap in the answers. You do not need to repeat the points. The questions are meant to give direction to your analysis and enable you to observe specific formal elements in the scene. You are encouraged to think about each question before writing the final analysis.

along with prompts about specific formal and aesthetic aspects of that scene (eg: use of sound, function of editing, aspects of cinematography etc). In no less than 500 words, the scene should be analyzed using the prompts as a guideline.

The video is attached in file, if you need more infomation, please let me know.T

Thank you!

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Scene Analysis
Brazil is a deep dark comedy film set in the dystopian future. Sam Lowry, the main character, lives in a web of lies that lead him to daydreams where he sees himself as a hero seeking to save a love interest of his. The entire film is filled with moments of dark humor, satire, and irony. The characters are loud, and the scenes mostly chaotic. This paper seeks to examine aspects of mise-en-scene, sound, image, and color to analyze a scene in the movie.
How Does the Mise-En-Scène Serve to Construct the Humor/Satire in This Scene?
Mise-en-scene serves to construct satire and humor in the scene as the hotel is not a place where one would expect extreme commotion. In the scene, the characters have a normal meal as they converse rapidly when suddenly, one corner of the hotel blows up. A hotel is not a place where you would expect this to happen. But even more humorous is the fact that the characters and other people in the hotel continue to eat even as the chaos unfolds. They seem unshaken by what has happened or by the people who might be needing help. It shows that this is something that has been happening and, therefore, they have already gotten used to it. Still, their unwillingness to move, even when other people are hurting, is very unusual. The stage is well designed to show the impact of the hotel's blow-up as the place is crowded. One can hear everyone else in the background talking, which emphasizes the overall chaos of the scene.
How Is Color Used to Draw the Viewer’s Attention to Specific Aspects and Incidents in The Scene?
Color is used in various ways to draw the viewer's attention to the scene. From the beginning, one is welcomed with stunning colors as Sam Lowry enters the restaurant. The light is shining brightly to stress the magnificence of the place. Then the scene cuts to when Sam is already upstairs joining the rest of his party. The color and the lighting here changes as the camera begins to focus on each of the individuals at the table. The camera shifts from one character to the other to capture their speech and reactions. Once their meals are brought to them, color is once aga...
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