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Universal Healthcare in the United States

Essay Instructions:

Essay regarding how and why the U. S can benefit by partaking in Universal health care. Needs a counter argument at least a paragraph long. Last page has to be references. And quoted citations from references are to be included.

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Universal Healthcare in the United States
Universal healthcare, or commonly referred to as free healthcare, is a system that is supposed to cater to quality medical services to every citizen. The healthcare system that the United States follows is a hybrid that is a combination of public health coverage such as Medicaid or Medicare and private health insurance. The United States lags behind most of the developed countries that have now switched to universal healthcare. According to the United States Consensus Bureau, as of 2018, almost 27.7 million people in the country did not know of any health insurance. It means that nearly 8.5% of the population remains deprived of their right to healthcare (US Census Bureau). If this prevails, especially in the global coronavirus pandemic's desperate times, a large number of these people will end up battling between life and death. It is high time that the government considers universal healthcare as an optimum choice.
If the universal healthcare system is approved, it would mean that 328.2 million people will have access to medical services regardless of their race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, and socioeconomic status. These medical services will include vaccinations, treatment, therapy, palliative care, surgical procedures, and rehabilitation without worrying about financial instability or debt (Gottschalk 4). It could lower the overall cost of basic healthcare facilities as the government's prices will be controlled through appropriate negotiation with pharmaceutical companies and hospitals. Right now, the United States is the most expensive country in terms of health care, when almost 50 million people live below poverty lines with no hope of getting adequate medical care. ‘Even though healthcare in the United States consumes a greater percentage of the country’s Gross National Product (GNP). a growing population of the U.S. cannot access medical care.’ (Gottschalk 4). These people are not only highly susceptible to diseases but are potential carriers of virulent pathogens. Universal healthcare could provide prevention from any potential outbreaks or epidemics, considering that routine checkups would be convenient without the cost of doctors’ appointments and lab works. Universal healthcare is most useful for people aged 65 and above who usually do not have any means to support their medical expenses due to retirement/ age or disability factors. Many employers do not provide a profound benefit such as basic health insurance when an employee retires; instead, employers are now putting aside a defined contribution, a fixed amount of money that hardly covers the cost of specific health care needs such as comprehensive procedure coverage.
Moreover, this will lower administrative costs as, for the insurance service providers, the United States persues a fee-for-service model. Because of these hospitals, physicians, and health care professionals are considerably free to charge whatever price they wish for the services being provided. Under universal healthcare laws, the government’s check and balance will help keep these prices lower. Governmental regulations will also reduce medical fraud that puts millions of lives at stake by making it financially inaccessible for people to afford medical care and prevent any mishaps caused by inexperienced hospital staff. Along with that, it can prevent criminal debts such as child neglect, as parents will be able to acquire priority medical care for their children, and the government will keep records of it.
Free healthcare also creates a healthier workforce. It is because, since birth, all of the child’s primary and advanced medical services will be covered. Children will be vaccinated on time; this will boost their immunity, thereby improving their life expectancy. It could greatly reduce the country's infant mortality rate and improve overall health as early childhood care prevents future medical expenses resulting from opportunistic illnesses. It will lead to a longer and healthier life without social inequality. “Studies show that preventive care reduces the need for expensive emergency room usage. Without access to preventive care, 46% of emergency room patients went because they had no other place to go.” (Amadeo)”.
As mentioned earlier in this essay, almost 27.7 million people ...
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