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Homer: The Importance of Religious Beliefs, Love, and War

Essay Instructions:

Purpose: In our discussions so far of The Iliad, we have considered the importance of Achilles’ choice. His fate is up to him: he may either choose “aphthiton kleos” (“unwithering glory”) and a short life OR a long life without glory. Achilles’ choice has many implications—for himself and for all of the Greek and Trojan forces. In this assignment, you will make your own choice of a passage in Homer. And once you’ve selected your passage of text, you will argue for the importance of your choice.

Pre-Writing Tasks: 1.) select a continuous ~10-20-line passage of Homer (you may choose a passage from either The Iliad or The Odyssey that you find important, but the lines must be continuous). 2.) Read over your chosen passage several times: note words that stand out to you or confuse you; note the word order, concepts, images, anything that seems important. You might also consider the context of the passage—what happens immediately before and after your chosen passage? Does the passage speak to some change that occurs in plot or the development of a major character or theme of the epic? Is anyone speaking, or is the passage straight narration? 3.) start to think about the interplay between the text’s meaning and content—that is, compare what is being said to how it is being said; how does the expression affect the meaning? 4.) optional: if you are struggling to find something to say you might consider looking at the same lines in another translation of the text. Doing this is not a requirement and you will not get points added or detracted by consulting another translation.

Writing Task: (this section includes my expectations for your submission):

1. Include a cover page with: your name, section number, your title for your submission, and a transcription of the passage you’ve chosen to study, along with a notation of the Homeric text and translator. (note: if you have consulted another translation as well, you must transcribe both translations, noting the translator of each).

2. In about 500-750 words or ~2-3 pages, argue for the importance of your passage to the larger text. This prompt should be broken into its two parts: a) you should specify what is important about the passage; and b) you should specify what “larger text” the passage is important to. For part a), you might refer to the pre-writing suggestions above: the importance of the passage might reside in its language, its imagery, the plot that is revealed, etc. For part b), it could be your passage is important to our understanding the Book that the passage occurs in, or the epic as a whole; or perhaps the passage is important to our understanding the development of a particular concept or theme or character; or perhaps the passage reveals something important about Greek gender relations or religious belief or conceptions of friendship, etc. In any case, your essay should inform the reader why the particular 10-20 line passage you have chosen is important.

3. Upload your submission (including cover page and essay) in a .pdf or .doc format to NYU Classes Assignment 2 portal before the deadline below.

You could even use the following thesis prompt to help guide your writing:

· “Although only ## lines, the description/narration of ___________________ I selected is crucial for our understanding of ________________ in The Iliad/Odyssey because __________________.”

Text: You need to choose 10-20 continuous lines from either The Iliad or The Odyssey. I will assume that your translator is Robert Fagles for The Iliad or Emily Watson for The Odyssey unless you inform me otherwise.

Please use MLA Style to cite your sources. When citing Homer, you will only need to include book and line numbers in parenthesis, for example “(IX.100-120)” if you cite Book 9, lines 100-120. It will be understood from your cover sheet whether the cited lines refer to The Iliad or The Odyssey. If you’re citing different translations, you should indicate this in your paper, according to MLA conventions.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Iliad VI. 180 - 200
Book 6: 180 – 200
The City of Troy was in the middle of an attack during the Trojan War. The cultural norms demand men to protect their families and the broader community. Hector and other worriers are in the frontline fighting an extraordinary battle, and they are almost losing. I have picked twenty lines of book six further to get the broader concept of the Trojan War. The twenty lines I picked is Hector's narration that is crucial for understanding the significance of religion in ancient Greece in The Iliad. Hector, the narrator, urges his mother to sacrifice to Athena to help them win the war. In this essay, I will analyze the excerpt's significance and how it shapes the story in the larger text.
* Importance of the passage
Dedication is the key to success. In the passage, Hector refuses to take the wine her mother offered him (VI. 180). Hector was a respectable warrior who knew position in the time of war. For him, it was not the right time to rest and take refreshments like wine while his fellow warriors were struggling on the battlefield trying to secure Troy.
Troy's people believe in the supreme control of gods and need their intervention to win the war. The warriors send Hector to request the people in the city to offer sacrifices to appease the gods. Every battle needs the gods' blessings, but Hector cannot face the god in his state because he is not "clean." Hector respects the gods, and he refuses to go offer prayers in his current physical and emotional state. He is covered by blood and filth and wonders how he could pray to the gods of storm and lightning in that state.
Hector, alongside the other warriors, is determined to win this war. The passag...
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