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Could A Few State Legislatures Choose the Next President?

Essay Instructions:

Find a news article from a major news organization, like the New York Timer, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, Houston Business Journal, Houston Chronicle, CNN, USA Today, or similar publication.

It should have relevance to one of the topics in Ch. 1; Ch. 2; Ch. 3; Ch. 4; Ch 5; Ch 25. The date should be after the beginning of the semester.

Give us a live link to the article and summarize it AND TELL ME HOW IT IS RELATED TO THE MODULE

The subject of the post should be the title of the article. If you do not identify your article in this way you will not get credit. Your article should not be the same as any other article submitted by another student.

Semester Starteed August 17.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Could A Few State Legislatures Choose the Next President?
According to Austin Sarat, there could be a legal and even constitutional crisis for state legislatures after the election if houses are forced to change how they allocate electoral college votes. Currently, 29 state legislatures in the country have a republican majority. Therefore, Trump's team is seeking to have these legislatures change how they choose their delegates for the electoral college. According to reports, this move would see the chosen delegates ordered to cast ballots in favor of the president despite their state's choice for another candidate (Sarat).
Some legal barriers could prevent this from happening (Sarat). However, as Sarat sees it, political constraints would be more significant. A president who was picked in the electoral college in this manner would have his rightfulness questioned. Also, the state legislatures would face the public...
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