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Same-Sex Marriages Arguments

Essay Instructions:

I am in currently in college taking English 101 the instructions are MLA style in text citation's consist of author last name and page number must be word cited 1.must take a stand 2.supported by evidence 3.urges people to share the writers opinion 4.establishes logical chain of reasoning 5.refutes opposing arguments(states information one time, does not do this through out paper, only one tim 6.is different from persuasion because it does not issue a call to action 7.can not come from self introduction introduces the issue-general background information on the subject. states the thesis arguable main point about subject (*must explain as if the person reading does not know what you are talking about*) thesis statement 1.takes a stand for argumentation 2.makes sure position is reasonable debate 3.thesis contains your topic and main point about that topic(your position) body paragraph 2-3 paragraphs topic- general statement(not a fact from source /can be an opinion) reasoning- could be inductive or deductive facts-information from source with in text citation explanation-sentence from the writer explaining the facts refutation- addresses view point for the purpose of refutation concluding- summarizes, restates thesis summarizes key point of essay, makes a forceful closing

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Course title:
Gay marriage
There has been heated debate concerning gay marriage in the world over. Some people support gay marriage while others do not. Gay marriage is a marital union that involves two adults of the same gender. For instance, a woman and another or marriage involving two men would constitute a gay marriage. Generally, this issue has been prevalent in the developed countries such as the United States; but it is a fact those kinds of marriages exist in other countries in the world over, only that the participants do not have the courage to come out in the open due to the restrictions imposed by their conservative countries. What remains as the big question is whether gay marriages should be accepted.
Gay marriages
Despite the much conservativeness by the some people, states and institutions, there are myriad reasons why gay marriages should not be condemned. From the pace that this issue is taking, it is clear that it has already had rots and therefore it has already become part of the society. On the basis of the need for a society to embrace that which is inevitable, it is crucial that the contemporary society learns to embrace the fact that gay marriage is there and from the look of things, it is there to last. This can be analogized with the confidence that is displayed by football teams. Every team believes that it is going to win against the other; otherwise it would not engage in the competition. Only one team wins at the end of the day. It is clear that the gay marriage issue is not to be defeated. It is a social issue that needs to be embrace in the sense that people should learn that some people are gay and will end up in gay marriage. There is therefore no need to condemn them.
It is a fact that gay marriages do not hurt the heterosexuals. Holzer (p 67) note that; this in itself calls for thee heterosexuals not to indulge in condemning the gay marriages. There have not been cases where anyone has been forced to enter in to gay marriage. This point does not refute that there have been cases of forced sodomy or forced lesbianism whereby; a man forces a fellow man to sexual activities or a woman forces a fellow woman to sexual indulges. These cases have been there especially in schools and college. However, there have not been reported cases where gay marriage has involved one partner forcing the other. It is a union that is entered from the willing hearts of the partners. Both men are willing to enter in to gay marriage. Both women, on the other side, are also willing to enter in to the gay marriage.
Since the partners enter in to gay marriage out of their own volition and do not subject the heterosexuals to any harm, then there is no need for the heterosexuals to condemn the gay. The gay couples are bound to live their lives without causing any harm to the heterosexuals. This therefore; calls for the heterosexuals not to condemn the gay marriage. It is crucial that the heterosexuals leave the gay people to enter into gay marria...
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