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Dog Fighting Is a Cruel Practice That Should Be Avoided

Essay Instructions:

All I have to have is a 3-5 page paper on any controversial issue. There also needs to be a concession. I am a huge animal lover so I was thinking something on the lines of how shark finning is horrible and needs to be stopped, how pitbulls are completely misunderstood and are really great pups, or how horrible dogfighting is. 

It needs to be double spaced, however I am sure you probably know that. 

Thank You!

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Dog Fighting Is a Cruel Practice That Should Be Avoided
Many people feel terrible when forced to fight someone else to satisfy the person who wants to watch the fight just for entertainment. This feeling is similar to dog fights. Dogs are made to fight and get injured or sometimes die in the process just because some people want to be entertained or earn money from the cruel activity. Cruelty in this case is the suffering and pains that one experience as a result of unpleasant act he is subjected to. For animals, the situation is worse because they can develop broken bones and even die in the process of fighting. Fighting dogs can thereafter be subjected to other cruelty acts like being neglected, in that they are not fed well, not taken to the vetenary and always chained constantly, jeopardizing their welfare even more (Olson). Although others may find dogfighting a beneficial and interesting ordeal, the act is horrible as it violates the welfare of the animals denying them the rights to enjoy quality lives.
Fighting between dogs is a common spectacle that is viewed as the most atrocious form of handling dogs. Dogfighting is an animal abuse issue. Although many people view it as an entertainment, it is immoral because dogs cannot decide for themselves what to do or what not to do. Humans are expected to be the custodians of dogs. Being a custodian in this case means protecting the dogs from any harm. However, other people tend to think differently in that, humans can make any decision on behalf of dogs. To some people, dog fighting is considered to be morally correct, which is not the case.
Dogfighting is a common practice in many regions in the world despite it contradicting the laws that protect animals’ rights. In the early times, bulldogs used to help man during hunting and acted as protectors (Walker & Campbell). Dogs have been considered as man’s companion as they help in various activities like aiding blind people and also help old people during evening walks. Other dogs act as protectors as they alert the owners about intruders within the vicinity. However, not everyone views dogs as companion. According to Walker & Campbell, in the ancient times, dogs were mistreated as they were forced to fight in coliseums during the Roman Empire. The same case applied in England where dogs were forced to fight against each other as a form of entertainment. This cruel act of treating dogs became rampant in England until the Human Act was introduced in 1835, banning dog fights (Olson). Despite the laws being approved to ban this horrific act, dogfighting is still rampant even today.
Dogfighting should be banned because it is an aggressive and mean practice. Dogs roles have been altered as they no longer act as companion. Instead, they are used to generate income in a cruel way. Dogs are bred to fight; therefore, they are subjected to cruel treatment. These include being enclosed in small spaces at an early age and later forced to fight with other dogs to benefit the owner either financially or entertainment-wise. This causes a lot of suffering to the animal. An average dog fight lasts for at least one hour (Kittle & Reno). Dogs that fight come out with severe injuries resulting to death. This is why the activity should be illegal because forcing a dog to fight to earn money is immoral.
In America, people bet as high as $ 1000 or a packet of cigarette in dog fights, after which the owner of the winning dog is paid as per the agreement, but on the other hand, the dogs come out with severe injuries (Walker & Campbell). One question a person should ask himself is that...
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