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Minorities in the American Society

Essay Instructions:

Explain how being a minority can shape one's identity in America. How are minorities treated, and how does this treatment affect how they see themselves? Use these text: "Mommy, What Does 'Nigger' Mean?" by Gloria Naylor and "In the Kitchen" by Henry Louis Gates

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Identity of the minorities in the American society
The minorities in the American societies have for a long time been subjected to unfair treatments. These emanate from the misconception of the majorities that the minorities are kind of lesser human beings who do not deserve to be treated with the dignity expected of human beings. Being minority in the American society shapes ones identity because of the association of the treatment and their humanity. This paper analyses how the identity of the minorities is shaped by their being minority. It also shades light on how the minorities are treated as well as how the treatment affects how those minorities see themselves.
The minorities in American society
A minority group denotes the sociological discrimination in which a group of people are regarded as of lesser class in comparison to the others. The discrimination is based on aspects such as ethnicity, wealth and race. Bates & Alicia (2849) discloses that; in the American society there are minorities that are based on the race and ethnicity. Following the discrimination, the minority rends have spread to make the group more minor in the perspective of wealth. The minority in terms of race and ethnicity turn to be the minority when it comes to wealth matters.
There has been unfair treatment of the minority in the American society. For instance, the school going minority children have to put up with the insulting words that are hurled to them by the learners that come from the majority class. Gloria (1) notes that; the minority children are referred to with words such as ‘nigger". Such insulting words, when used on the minorities may lower their self esteem. At first, the innocent pupils may not be aware what such terms mean. But with time they come to realize the essence of such words. The insults may lower the esteem of the pupils such that they think they are less valuable human beings. They may even withdraw from the studies because they think that being niggers, they are unable to make it in education. Such trends may end up making the pupils to fail in their exams. Ultimately, such learners will not go to higher level schools and colleges and therefore, their chances of getting good jobs to lift their social economic standards.
The parents of the pupils that are subjected to the name calling because of their being minorities also undergo a hard time. They may even doubt the abilities of their children in the academic work following the name calling. When the pupils are subjected to the name calling and other forms of discrimination due to their being minority, they seek answers from their parents; more so from their mothers. Gloria (2) clarifies that; after the pupils are regarded as niggers, when they go home they ask their mothers the meaning of the word. Without question, the mothers realize that their children have already been subjected to the discrimination and name calling following their being minority. The parents, particularly mothers, have difficult time trying to explain the meaning of the word to their children without subjecting them to the feeling that they deserve to be regarded as such.
The minority in American society are treated with a lot of contempt that is not deserved by any human being. As noted in the writings of Gloria, the white pupils seem to have mastered the skill of humiliating the minority pupils. The tiny boy, though scoring very poor, has the guts to call the young girl in the classroom, nigger. It cannot have been the first time that the boy is humiliating the minority member with such insult. It also follows that the young boy must have learned the intimidation of the minorities from their household. It seems that in their household, the term is commonly used to humiliate the minorities and it has been so often used such that the young children have mastered its usage.
Henri (58) acknowledges that; the minorities are subjected to a kind of life that denotes...
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