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Isolation in The Quest for Iranon and A Rose for Emily

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This article needs to start writing by selecting the article I have provided. The articles you can choose include The Quest of Iranon By H. P. Lovecraft, Saving Sourdi and A Rose for Emily, the specific requirements of this article can be found in the uploaded document.

The format of this article is MLA, 2 pages are the subject of the article, and the reference page is created separately as the third page.

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Essay Sample Content Preview:
Isolation in The Quest for Iranon and A Rose for Emily
The theme of isolation is abundantly manifested in both The Quest for Iranon and A Rose for Emily. In both of these stories, isolation plays a core role in the development of the plot as well as the growth and development of the characters. In The Quest for Iranon, the author manages to demonstrate the significance of isolation in the progression of Iranon. The fact that Iranon lived a life that was purely in his imagination is demonstrative of the isolation that he faced (Lovecraft 5). At the same time, the fact that he had ran away as a boy when people around him laughed at him for believing he was a prince further fueled his isolation. It essentially ensured that he lived an isolated life that was developed and characterized solely by the strength of his imagination. In A Rose for Emily, the isolation that Emily experience is of a straight forward nature. She lived a life in which she rarely engaged with the community and also only lived with her father (Faulkner 5). This kind of physical isolation that is self-imposed underscores the various factors that contribute towards the acceptance of isolated living.
In both of these instances, it emerges clearly that both authors are working to remind the public of how isolation plays a critical role in shaping the lives human beings live. However, they approach this topic in radically different ways. In The Quest for Iranon, the author chooses to highlight the mental and emotional isolation that Iranon endured as a result off his mental illness and how it eventually directed his entire life (Lovecraft 7). In this story, involuntary isolation from the world and from reality inhibits Iranon from li...
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