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An Analysis of the Protagonist in The Things They Carried

Essay Instructions:

Read the following, analyze who the protagonist is—and then, how can you relate to them

"The Things They Carried"

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An Analysis of the Protagonist in The Things They Carried
Tim O’Brien’s “The Things They Carried”, a short story from a novel with the same name, presents Lieutenant Jimmy Cross as the protagonist of the short story but not of the entire novel. A first look at his character reveals his struggles in leading his platoon and the way he tries to cop up. However, a closer look at the story reveals that Lt. Cross is trying hard to be a good leader of his platoon. This paper analyses the character of Lieutenant Cross throughout the short story including his traits and role. The paper further relates my individual experiences in life to those depicted by one of the characters, Lieutenant Cross.
Lt. Jimmy Cross personifies mental escapism as a coping mechanism in the undesirable circumstances that the platoon experienced in the field. His personality allows him to keep his emotions intact by focus on different circumstances. Although he is not the only one who had found a way of adjusting to the tough situations, he lets his methods of escape disrupt his duties. Cross chooses to think about Martha, a girl he had known before the Vietnam War, to switch off from the difficulties the platoon was facing. Although he is aware that Martha has no feelings for him, he goes deep into fantasy with her. While it is possible that an individual in a similar situation would have difficulties in staying alert the whole time, Lit. Cross exceeds the expectations to the point of neglecting his duties. In my own experiences, when I am in difficult positions that I must face, I try to think of something positive or a way of escape. Thus, it is relatable that Cross tries everything possible to have psychological sanity in the midst of unimaginable horrors of war. One can justify Lit Jimmy Cross’s psychological escapism through Martha as a way of connecting to home.
Secondly, the guilt that Lieutenant Cross imposes on himself after the death of Lavender implies that he was unprepared to join the military and not yet mature to handle the responsibilities that come with leadership. The fact that Lavender was killed when he was relieving himself privately is a clear picture that his death was not Cross’s fault. However, Cross blames himself and comes to the conclusion that he loves Martha more than he loves his men. This situation relates to my individual experiences because I often tend to blame myself for every bad thing that happens in my life.
Thirdly, O’Brien brings out the character of the lieutenant as a Christ figure both in a superficial sense and the role that Cross plays in the story. The lieutenant’s initials are J.C which is the same as Jesus Christ, who from a religious perspective died for the sins of man. Similarly, Lieutenant Cross sacrifices himself for the ...
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