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Exhibition response. Visual & Performing Arts Essay

Essay Instructions:

Eleven Photographs on Exhibition in the windows of the NYU Kimmel Center for Unversity Life- 60 Washington Square S. between Thompson St. and LaGuardia Pl.

Four of the photographs in the exhibit are on the W. 3rd st., side of the Kimmel Center building, and the remaining seven photographs continue in the windows that wrap around the building from W. 3rd st. to La Guardia Place. The exhibition has to be viewed from outside of the building.

Below is the description of the exhibition as written by its curators.

"Women on the American homefront took on jobs during World War 2 and shifted into roles at odds with traditional conceptions of womanhood. Taking on the jobs that men formerly occupied, these women wielded tools and operated machinery as support for the war effort against the rise of facism in Europe, as well as threats in the Pacific. The image that most captured that period, when some women exchanged dresses for coveralls and coiffeurs for kerchiefs, was Norman Rockwell’s Rosie the Riveter. Here a muscular female twists into a powerful Michaelangelo-esque position, is poised to chomp on a sandwich, and imperiously rests her brown loafer on Hitler’s Mein Kampf. Both serious and playful-Rockwells’ picture is important commentary on what women were not only capable of, but also briefly recognized for, way back in 1943.

Roll forward to 2019, more than 70 years since the end of World War 2, nearly a century since women gained the right to vote, and more than half a century since the rise of the modern women’s movement in the United States. Today, in the era of Me Too, society has yet again needed to reconsider the power and the progress of women. The response of Berlin-based artists Renata Stih and Freida Schnock is Rosie Won the War, which showcases a monumental series of portraits that recasts Rosie as a woman of today. The results mix the ironic with the heroic."

ASSIGNMENT: Write a two-paragraph response to the exhibition. Describe what you see and answer the following questions: What do the photographs tell you about the roles women played during World War 2? Is the exhibition effective why or why not? How do the photographs mix the ironic with the heroic?

The assignment should be typed and double-spaced in 12-point Times New Roman font.

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Exhibition Response
The exhibition presents several pictures with the images of women depicting the fact that they can take up a manly role in society. For instance, Rosie the Riveter represents a muscular woman and writings on the picture depicting that "we can do it." The woman on the picture seems to have a serious facial expression while showcasing the muscular power of her arm.
The pictures reveal that during world war 2, women were ready to take up manly roles which made them feel like a part of the society. In contrast to the traditional beliefs that women were not allowed to take such role, the war played a substantial role in sh...
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