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Analysis Paper On Slavery In The New World. Social Sciences Essay

Essay Instructions:

I need a Analysis Paper on Slavery in the New World

the theme can be Slavery's Rupture of Black Families or Resistance Against Slavery

I need the introduction to include a thesis statement


Theme Analysis Guidelines The Theme Analysis Essay (Mid Semester Exam) (50) requires that you write an essay on an African American writer/text(s), covered in class during the first half of the semester. See the provided themes below. You are to choose ONE theme and analyze a single text or multiple ones. For example, you can discuss the impact of the Jim Crow environment on Richard Wright (single) or the impact of Jim Crow environments on Richard Wright and James Baldwin (multiple and perhaps comparative). Note: The example used above and throughout is not an acceptable choice, but merely serves as a model. You MUST cite passages from the textbook. For citations, be sure to quote the exact passage from the textbook and use proper MLA in-text citations, ending sentence with the author’s last name and page number, e.g. (Wright 136). Research is optional but encouraged. If you cite secondary sources beyond the textbook, a Works Cited page must be included. Your analysis should be in the form of a focused, well-organized, grammatically correct essay with an interesting introduction, relevant body paragraphs that support the thesis statement, and a satisfactory conclusion. Again, your essay must be in accordance with the Modern Language Association (MLA) guidelines. Further requirements include: 750 words, typed, double- spaced, in 12 point font, Times New Roman. Note: 750 words is the equivalent of three double spaced pages. Papers will be submitted via turnitin.com, which is a plagiarism prevention service. See rubric (posted separately) but consider the following details below. Essays will be evaluated on: 1) Formatting 2) Appropriate length (-5 points per 100 words short) 3) Use of P.I.E. Paragraphs 4) Quality of Introduction/Thesis 5) Quality of Conclusion 2-Day Writer’s Workshop (adapted from Dr. William Broussard) Day 1: Introduction Paragraph and "What is the Essay?" The essay was developed in the 16th century by French philosopher Michel de Montaigne. Originally called "belles lettres" (beautiful letters) they were meant to be venues for educated people to explore challenging topics and propose unique or new alternatives and approaches to solving social problems. The essay has been used for the purposes of revolution, the advancement of knowledge, and challenging social thought for centuries. From the French verb "essayer" (to try), the essay is supposed to be an attempt to advance a new thought. Day 1: Writer’s Workshop on Writing an Introduction 1) For clarity, review essay requirements and list of approved themes. Select a suitable one along with the appropriate text(s). Brainstorm (jot down what you know, learned, and would like to further explore about the readings). 2) Perhaps taken from your brainstorming session, pose a question about the reading(s) to respond to in your theme analysis (I encourage you to pose such questions as part of your weekly responses). Your chosen theme should inspire the question you pose. For example, I may pose the question: What are the continuing effects of the Jim Crow environment on African Americans? From there, you should reformulate your question as a statement (your thesis statement). For example: As demonstrated in Richard Wright’s__title__, the continuing effects of Jim Crow environments include the following…(select 3 points/topics or effects, in this case) When formulating the thesis statement, consider the following general ideas: Thesis should 1) not be obviously true 2) not be a cliché 3) be an arguable claim (use the word “because”!) (1 sentence). Thesis should follow "Rule of Threes." (Choose three points or topics of discussion? You'll further explain these in each body paragraph). In the earlier parts of the introduction, you should briefly summarize the reading(s) you have chosen to write about (2-4 sentences--answer the who/what/when/where/why of the essay) and why you selected this essay to write about (1 sentence). See the PDF document, “Writing a Literary Analysis Paper” on Moodle for further guidelines on writing the introduction and the whole essay. This document offers helpful tips for how to begin your introductory paragraph, in particular. Day 2: Body Paragraphs (PIE) P.I.E. (point illustrate explain) discussion – each paragraph should begin with the topic sentence (point) that establishes the subject matter of the paragraph. The 2-6 sentences that follow should be evidence from the text (illustrations) that prove the main point of the paragraph, or your own claims that strengthen the thesis. The following 1-2 sentences should describe (explanation) how YOU believe the evidence proves the point (these are your critical writing sentences). Write your three topic sentences first. Then, identify passages or quotes that prove the claim. Use quote integration for quotes (e.g. "The author claims/writes/notes/asserts/states + "quote.") Day 2: Concluding Paragraph Conclusion should restate the thesis and all of the topic sentences from each paragraph in 1st draft. A) if this does not read like a closing argument, it means your topic sentences are weak and need to be redrafted, or do not prove the thesis. B) if it does read like a strong closing, re-write the sentences to avoid redundancy and/or repetition and close with 1-2 sentences explaining what you believe the benefit is to your audience that has read your text, what you might do to extend the conversation or how future researchers might continue building on your research. Approved Themes for Analysis Paper ! Week 3 & 4: Rootedness/Narratives of Bondage: Slavery in the New World Olaudah Equiano, Frederick Douglass, Harriet Jacobs Themes: Resistance Against Slavery Slavery’s Rupture of Black Families ! Weeks 5 & 6: Up From Slavery: The Civil War & Reconstruction Booker T. Washington, W.E.B. DuBois, Carter G. Woodson, Paul Laurence Dunbar Themes: African American Education and Upward Mobility African American Self-Perception as Double Consciousness ! Week 7: Digging Up African Roots: The New Negro Movement Langston Hughes, Zora Neale Hurston, Claude McKay, Sterling A. Brown, Gwendolyn Bennett, Countee Cullen Themes: Reclamation of Africa Black Pride & Unity MAR 11-15 (M-F): MIDTERM EXAMINATION PERIOD: Papers due by 5 p.m. Friday, Mar 15 via Moodle submission

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Slavery in the New World
The colonial masters who included the Spanish, French, Dutch, Danish, and English would capture slaves and bring in the new world colonies for them to serve them. The slaves were to serve the colonial masters in different ways like cultivation, clearing of forests and mine the available precious metals. In 1700 the Europeans were utilizing the Indians for slavery in some states. It is argued that at the beginning of the 16th century the Europeans were deeply rooted in racist sentiments against the black families. There was much racial prejudice, and the blacks were taunted because of their color. It is the sole reason believed to have influenced the Europeans to turn to African labor.
The racist sentiments lead to the start of slavery. For example, Elizabeth English associated blackness with evil, danger, and death (Foner & Genovese, 1969). They saw black people as a resemblance of the devil, and the fair skin is associated with beauty. Long before the English had come to colonize and capture black families, there were a lot of racist stereotypes were widely spread in Europe and other western countries. It was easy for the English to accept the black since they were regarded as the Negros as an alien people (Foner & Genovese, 1969). Racial slavery resulted in the enslavement and recapture of black families. Time passed, and with the increased hatred of the black people, the Europeans started to shift to African slaves. In the new world, the labor supply was not adequate to meet the demand. It leads them to go further and explore African people to outsource labor to help develop the new world. Africans were more equipped with skills and were vital for the new setting. They were more experienced in vigorous agricultural activities and livestock rearing. They also provided with skills in raising crops that even the Europeans were not familiarized with, like growing of rice.
Before slavery, colonists depended on the white servants, but due to the growth of the total populations, more than its economy led to the introduction of new world colonization. It was a real solution to their problem of overpopulation in England.
In the 1600s, the English also tried to solve their overpopulation problem by sending the unemployed, debtors, criminals, etc. to the new world to help grow the economy. They were involved in activities like planting tobacco and other crops. More than half of the white labore...
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