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A Rose for Emily

Essay Instructions:

Only do the first attempt that is on the guideline. Please use this thesis to start the paper.

"In William Faulkner's A Rose for Emily, Emily was a by-product. The existence of herself matters nothing to the world around her. This made Emily a victim and villain at the same time. It was shown that Emily's actions were not because of her own psyche or personality but as a product of various external and internal factors she has gone through. Emily was set as a victim of society's injustices by Faulkner. Similarly, I believe this ambiguity is linked to the current power struggle of women in a patriarchal society, which causes innocent people to despair."

Make sure to include all the three literature sources in the body paragraph as well as the literature review good luck.

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A Rose for Emily
Societies can stifle and stunt growth. The expectations, norms, and beliefs that permeate a society often dictate how people behave and conduct themselves. Those who stand out and decide to think and conduct themselves differently happen to be considered outcasts. A society that expects complete conformity often forces people to fit into certain strict rules and norms of life. While reading William Faulkner’s ‘A Rose for Emily,’ it takes a minute or less to discover that the society in question is constrained by norms. Emily Grierson, the main character, happens to be the one person in the entire society who wishes to live a different life. However, her wishes happen to be antagonistic with the society’s, and therefore, she is forced to lead a life of loneliness and scrutiny. Through Emily’s life, readers are introduced to the ideals of patriarchy and societal expectations and how these shape and influence her life from birth to death. However, her decision not to confirm positions her as a beacon of hope and a woman hoisting the feminism flag. Though scrutinized, maligned, and considered a misfit, Emily shows great resolve to not yield to the forces that so eagerly and readily wish to pin her down and have her adopt an image and mannerisms deemed appropriate.
One of the forces that try to pin Emily down throughout the story is patriarchy. Faulkner introduces bits and pieces of patriarchy in the story and their eventual effect on the story’s progress. For example, in the story, Emily’s father is already dead, however, his influence over Emily’s life and, by extension the plot, is quite evident. Faulkner showcases Emily’s father as a towering figure in her life. “Miss Emily a slender figure in the background, her father spraddled silhouette in the foreground, his back to her and clutching a horsewhip” (Faulkner, 3). The image of Emily’s father presented here is quite intimidating and showcases the power and influence Emily’s father had over his daughter. As Faulkner (3) indicates, her father deemed the young men who sought her hand in marriage unfit or not “good enough for Miss Emily.” As Yang (1851) indicates, Emily’s father “suffocates the sentiment of an ordinary girl. Her emotions are suppressed, like a dormant volcano which will not break out unless a spark appears in due conditions.” Emily was indeed a dormant volcano, and after her father’s death, she broke and started to speak her mind. In one instance, she is approached to pay her taxes, but she refuses. While this may simply be seen as Emily holding on to a traditional view that is way past its time, it also symbolizes freedom. For the first time in her life, Emily is standing up to an authority in her life. She is speaking her truth to power and choosing to stand for what she believes in.
Emily shows great resolve while struggling to topple societal expectations that seem to weigh heavily in her town. In the town, people’s decisions about their own lives happen to attract a lot of scrutiny. However, regardless of the expected scrutiny, Emily decides to ignore the talk and pursue the man she believes would end up marrying her. “Presently we began to see him and Miss Emily on Sunday afternoons driving in the yellow-wheeled buggy and the matched team of bays from the livery stable” (Faulkner, 4). Here, Emily was exercising her freedom to be with whoever she wanted. Her decision to be seen publicly with Homer was a way of communicat...
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