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Rock Artist: Members of the Beatles, Wheels behind the Power, Incredible Achievements

Essay Instructions:

A Term Paper (double spaced / 12 point Times font type) on any rock artist from any era studied in class The term paper must deal with the subject matter from a thorough and accurate historical perspective.
Four (bibliography) sources (texts) must be included from historically accurate books. Social, financial, and psychological implications must be included. This in-depth look should be written in a concise format appropriate to undergraduate college level work. Content, spelling, grammar, form and structure will count in grading evaluation. This is worth Twenty (20) Extra Credit points - and DUE on the last day of class when we take our last exam.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Course title:
Rock Artist: The Beatles
Rock music is a genre of entertainment whose roots can be traced in America. This category of music is believed to have been inspired by the rock and roll music. There are certain aspects that make rock music unique and peculiar. Instrumentals make up part of the music with drums, guitar and bass being the most preferred. Further, in every rock song, there is a melody that is prominently vocal than all others. The piano keyboard is also very common as well as the saxophone. There is not much preference for stringed instrumentals in rock music with the music revolving more on the guitar. The backbeat tends to be strong and remains constant throughout the song. Most of the artists who specialized in rock music would form a band that consisted of lead singer, a guitarist, a drummer and guitarist specializing in bass. These bands would be made up of the four although some groups would opt for a trio so that one of the members would take up two roles. The paper has focused on one of the rock bands that were formed back in the 60s, The Beatles. The discussion takes a look at their journey in rock music, their accomplishments and where they are today.
The Beatles
This is a rock band with their origin in England, specifically Liverpool. Among all the rock bands, The Beatles have been cited as one of the successful groups commercially. They are also known for the unique blend of rock music, which was peculiar in its cultural impact and innovation. The Beatles and Elvis Presley are believed to be the only two acts of rock music to surpass the one billion mark in selling their records (Lewisohn, 2010).
Formed in the early 60s and having gained popularity in the mid 60s, The Beatles would have their success defined in Europe. They made numerous tours of Sweden and Germany and it became apparent that Europe had embraced the rock group. Having been crowned kings at home, it was now time to explore other ventures. This is what came to be known as the British Invasion where majority of British big acts of rock music broke through the American market. The reception of the Beatles in the American market was huge, perhaps bigger than they anticipated. Despite having borrowed their style of music from the earlier style of rock n roll, The Beatles maintained originality (Lewisohn, 2010). In addition, they showed versatility so that they could blend their music with the then pop culture. It is this that caught the market and for The Beatles, there was no turning back, success was knocking at their door. Further, the Beatles had peculiar way of dressing; their clothes and their general fashion statement become a trend in Britain and other parts of the world.
Members of the Beatle
When it was first formed, the band consisted of Paul McCartney, Peter Best, John Lennon, George Harrison and Stuart Sutcliffe. The first major act, which was also the break for the group, came early in the 60s. This is when they were still very new in the industry and were playing in Germany in a small little known club. It is while playing in the small clubs in Germany that they met Klaus who proved very instrumental in building their career. In 1966 when the band released their debut album which was known as Revolver, Klaus was the brains behind the design. After a successful tour in Germany, it was time to return home in England. However, Best chose to remain back in Germany and would later get engaged. Unfortunately, he suffered from brain complications and died a few years after.
Wheels behind the Power
It was not all a solo act when it came to the success of the Beatles. Rather it was a combined effort between the band and other people who helped push their agenda. Brian Epstein is the man who heard them play, loved their sound and in a snapshot, he was ready to manage the band. Brian did it more out of passion than experience. The lack of experience as manager posed a challenge especially as he sought to pitch for a record label for the group. After what seemed to be an endless struggle to get signed, the band auditioned with George Martin, a producer with EMI and he signed them to Parlaphone Label at the time.
Incredible Achievements
There are many factors that contributed to the incredible achievements of the rock band, The Beatles. For instance, their debut album was recorded in a single day. The album which bore the title Please Please Me which was based on one of their hits with the same title got a craze in Britain and America which was referred to as Beatlemania. This album would set stage and platform for the world to see the kind of talent that The Beatles were all about. It was not long that the rock band became one of the most sought after. They wrote hits and they all received huge reception from their fans. It had almost become obvious that every huge entertainment event taking place in America or Europe, then The Beatles had to be present. In 1966, they stopped live concerts citing overwhelming love from their fans. According to the group, every time they would get on stage, there were very loud screams of appreciation by their fans that even they (The Beatles) could not hear themselves as they performed. Further, due to the high level of fame they had reached, the security measures during their concerts were rigorous , something that they did not feel too comfortable with, Instead, they took some time off from the stage and returned to the studio to make some more music.
During this period of fame and fortune, a lot was happening internally within the group. There were allegations of heavy drug use which the band denied vehemently. The nature of their sound also changed from what the fans were used to. The justification by the band is that they were trying to be a little experimental with their sound as they sought to blend their music differently (Lewisohn, 2010). When their long time manager Brian Espstein died towards the end of the 60s, the band became eviden...
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