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James Dickeys Deliverance Connection to Sigmund Freud

Essay Instructions:

English Prompt from the Instructor:
Since "it is impossible to overlook the extent to which civilization is built upon a renunciation of instinct" (Quote by Sigmund Freud from pages 51-52), we can understand why there is such a struggle for these four city men to shed their civilized "skin" and resort to their primal selves in order to survive in the wild in James Dickey's novel "Deliverance". So, in a thesis-driven argument of a minimum of 3 full pages and using Sigmund Freud's "Civilization and its Discontents" to help support your position by arguing the following question:
QUESTION: In what specific situation does Ed's re-connection to his instinctive nature enable him to cope with what he is confronted with? 
Notes from the professor: 
Step #1: Understand Ed is confronted with many situations so ONLY focus on ONE SPECIFIC SITUATION to answer within your essay.
Step #2: In your essay make sure to have a good thesis statement at the end of your introductory paragraph in bold letters, have strong topic sentences at the start of your body paragraphs to support your thesis in all your body paragraphs and of course have a good conclusion in your final paragraph that supports your argument.
Step #3. Make sure your paragraphs are very focused with specific details that support your argument.
Step #4. Have a minimum of 6 quotes with the page numbers of each quote throughout your essay. A minimum of 3 quotes from Sigmund Freud's "Civilization and It's Discontents" and a minimum of 3 quotes from James Dickey's book "Deliverance". But MAKE SURE NOT to use long quotes that are more than 2 sentences long. Focus on short effective quotes that can help support your argument in your essay.
Notes from me the Student: 
The essay must be with Font Times New Roman and 1 inch margins.
My two sources are James Dickey's "Deliverance" and Sigmund Freud's "Civilization and its Discontents".
Sigmund Freud's book is called “Civilization and Its Discontents” by Sigmund Freud. Standard Edition. New York: W.W Norton and Company. Print. 
Here is the ISBN number it’s ISBN 0-393-30451-5. By the way I included a PDF file of Sigmund Freud's book just in case you can't find it.
James Dickey's book is called "Deliverance". New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1970. Print and the ISBN number is 0-385-31387-X

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Fear and Instinct
Institution of Affiliation
How Ed's Fear and Instinctive Nature Helps him Survive their Adventure
James Dickey's Deliverance makes Ed as the main driving figure where he shapes himself into being the hero, after the experiences he faces together with his group during their adventure. His instinctive impulses and character driven by fear turn out to be the driving forces towards his survival. How does Gentry use fear and impulse to survive through his adventure in the shooting scene? This essay is going to analyze how the ego and animal instinct affect Ed's turnover towards achieving the unexpected.
Sigmund (1962) says that we are usually inclined to use defense mechanisms and impulsive instincts to look for protection against feelings of anxiety or guilt, arising when we feel threatened, or when our id or superego is too demanding since we do not control them voluntarily. But with the ego, our unconscious uses one or more of the feelings to protect us when we encounter a stressful situation during our lives. He goes ahead to say that egoistic defense mechanisms are natural, and when they are out of proportion, disorders develop, for instance, phobias, anxiety states, obsessions, or hysteria (p82). We, therefore, see Ed Gentry argue and lash out at Bobby saying, "you didn't start on time; you did everything wrong. I ought to take this rifle and shoot the hell out of you, Bobby, you incompetent asshole, you soft city country-club man. You'd have been dead; you should've been dead, right about exactly now. You're right in line, you're going slowly, and you're just sitting there." (p171) This shows that instinct and impulse have given power to Gentry through a cathartic purge of anger directed towards Bobby. It is because he fears for the life and safety of his friend Lewis. Later he also threatens Bobby: "You help me with this, or I'll kill you, just as you sit there on your useless ass…" (p183) Stabbing himself with his arrow constitutes both ritual and a show of submissiveness and masochistic sexual fantasies? Dickey's nature has included predatory beasts; adding to them, humans (Dickey, 1970).
In addition to that, the forces of animal instinct and human skill have prepared Ed for the climax when he shoots dead the second rapist. Although Ed has had the feeling of fear throughout his healthy life, it is in the woods where he experiences first hand, true life or death fear. ...
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