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Issues in Frankenstein: The Creature from Human Being Body Parts

Essay Instructions:

* This essay should be approximately 700 words long (no shorter than 700 words, no longer than 800 words).
Essay Topic: Write a research-based essay on EITHER "Frankenstein" or "An Ungodly Child" as follows.
A. Summarize disagreements about the authorship of Frankenstein, and state an opinion. (One important source is the controversial study of 2007, The Man who Wrote Frankenstein by John Lauritsen. Responses to Lauritsen's argument are also informative.)
B. Discuss the personality and appearance of Louis C. de Ferre in "An Ungodly Child" in terms of historical conceptions of Lucifer/ Satan/ the Devil.
Possible sources:
 the book on demonology by King James I and VI, first published in the 1590s, analyzed by Donald Tyson in 2011,
 the etymology of different words for debatably identical being: "Satan," "Lucifer," "demon, "devil," "Old Nick," "Father of Lies,"
 recent comments by Pope Francis on capitalism as "the devil,"
 meanings of "the Devil" as a card in the Major Arcana of the tarot deck.
*** Grading Standards:
 1 grade for thesis, overall argument
 1 grade for paragraph structure, use of evidence
 1 grade for mechanics (sentence structure, verbs, pronouns, punctuation)..

1) http://www(dot)planetebook(dot)com/ebooks/Frankenstein.pdf
2) http://www(dot)penguin(dot)com/static/pdf/teachersguides/Frankenstein.pdf
3) http://hristodonev(dot)eu/316/an-ungodly-child-id29936.pdf
4) https://www(dot)zumayapublishing(dot)com/SampleChapters/AnUngodlyChild-Sample.pdf

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Issues in Frankenstein
Institution of Affiliation
Issues in Frankenstein
In the 18th century, Dr. Frankenstein projected to synthesize a creature from human being body parts. However, he abandoned his idea out of remorse and horror. An aspect that made Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, an author, in her work Frankenstein, raise a number of issues on scientist's pursuit to produce a human being from human body parts. The story is grounded on Robert Walton, an explorer, who in a search for magnetism source finds and saves Frankenstein (Shelley, 2004). After recovery, Frankenstein narrates to Walton his life story. Later he learns of the death of his younger brother. Henceforth, sees the creature and realizes that he is the one who killed the child. He pursues loneliness at the Alps where the creature antagonizes him. Shelley sails on her own to bring thoughts about the impression of the process of making human beings. In society, the parallel journey of creation presented by Frankenstein raises questions on the obligation of scientist, morals of living and nature of human. Notions that have been painted in peoples heart from the past to the present. The study focuses on issues that have risen from the power novel.
Today with the evolution of technologies such as cloning, organ transport, plants genetic engineering and gender selection of babies, Shelley's thoughts raises a lot of concern (Miller, 2014). Though these innovations are valued, the idea of procreation is highly opposed. Shelley puts forward a fiction of formation of a creature from human parts. A vast of the population in society considers this unethical. However, the subsequent story of the monster threatens the rapidly evolving science. For instance, the invention of organ transport has saved many from death. Scientific innovations need to be promoted for a healthy nation. But in the story, the creature becomes a murderer (Shelley, 2004). An aspect that reveals Shelley was against scientific evolution. Thus, individuals like Shelley need to take challenges researchers face as situations they pass through for the better future. For instance, without technology how would the world be?
Shelley fails to represent women in her work. Her three narrators are all men (Knudsen, 2012). Thoug...
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