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Write an Analytical Paper on Naked by China Forbes

Essay Instructions:

A. to write 
b. To evaluate your ability to write an analytical essay
read the essay ( Naked by china Forbes)and determine the main idea of the essay.from there ,write an essay analyzing that ideas.By analyzing , i mean that i want you to explain why you believe your ideas about the essay is the correct one.You will need to look closely at the relationship between the essay's meaning and the way the essay conveys the meaning.
To write this essay, you should look at the details with in the essay or the technique{s}that authors uses to develop his or her idea. The details could be an organizing pattern,a central image , significant scene,an interesting persona,a single work or phrase,or some other noteworthy technique .Explain in your essay how the author develops his or her idea. To help you write this essay, you might follow these steps;
A.on a separate sheet of the paper state the author's idea in no more than two sentences.
B.Make notes about the details in the essay or the technique {s}that the author uses.
C.Determine exactly how the author uses those details or technique {s}to develop his or her idea.
D.Write the first draft of your essay.
One additional requirement is that you must include a works cited entry at he end of your essay.
A.Draft paper due may 21 
B. Final paper due may 23
C. 4 or 5 pages in length. the page length does not include page for the work Cited
D. Typed or word processed and double- spaced
A. Follow the MLA style of documentation
B. work-cited

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Analysis of Naked by China Forbes
The society's take on what is ethical and what is not may vary from culture to culture even though certain things tend to branch out with divergent points of view on customary fronts. Culture is transferred from one generation to the other. However, with the dynamic world and technological changes some cultures have undergone transmission while others have become extinct. However, there are some that have stayed for long. They include the dressing which is usually associated with the sacredness of the human body. This is well defined by the way human beings cover their bodies, a concept which is deemed relevant in protecting and preserving their bodies. Nakedness is an element that cannot be tolerated in many societies and it's seen a taboo to be naked especially for adults. Children have a benefit of their innocence to be naked. However, the nakedness as a human concept affects the psychological growth and development of a child which later affects their views on different issues such as sexuality. This essay is going to analyze China Forbes' take on how children view nakedness and how it impacts their sexuality after they grow older.
Nakedness portrays ignorance and unconsciousness towards a systemized culture, certain principles of a society that have been cultivated through ages of time and space to define the good and the bad from the morality concept. China introduces the essay, on the first paragraph, by saying that; she was born naked, stuffed into a chamois cloth and presented to her mother. This statement puts us at the state of belief that nakedness is what defines a human. Every human was naked from their day of birth, there was nothing weird about not being covered, or is it the tabula rasa state that comes with a child's empty brain, the not-knowing-what is good and what is not. There are many reasons as to why children are clothed after birth, may be for barring the cold but definitely not to cover their nakedness. In the second paragraph of this explorative essay, China Forbes expresses her views on nudity. She first uses her connection to her mother to describe the sheltered environment she lived in which she goes ahead to describe how it influenced her take on the world. The following image, in which she stands on her patio pretending to be Marilyn Monroe, projects an innocent child exploring and playing with concepts she has no idea about. Forbes uses a hint of irony on her decision to use the character of Marilyn Monroe, who was an icon portrayed as a symbol of sex in the 1970's. With this, China portrays her cluelessness and the allusion to describe much more than simple childhood dress-up.
Children have no clue about the society's harshness towards nakedness. Forbes choice of syntax and wording enhances her natural inexperience towards the society's harsh views towards nakedness. China employs several words that initially take the reader by surprise, for they don't seem to fit into the freedom thought the young girl has. The patio, for example, is described as one of her most liked places to be naked. A patio is an open space and the last place where one could think of getting naked on. On this patio, her mother "sits with a book, sheltered by the weave of wisteria". Forbes uses the word 'sheltered' to add an alluded sense of protection in her free world. In the same paragraph, also, there is an 'iron pole' that comes up through the floor of the p...
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