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The Importance Of Understanding Rhetorical Situations

Essay Instructions:

Please complete the reading listed above and write a 200+ word response.

First, write a paragraph response to the readings and their messages. What main points do this writers seem to make through the works? Why do you think I assigned this reading? What do these two texts have to do with writing? Give me some details that show you fully completed the reading.

Second, what stood out for you in this reading? Find some specific details or phrasing that stood out for you as memorable or well written from both texts. Quote it, provide a page number, and explain why you chose this description or phrase(s).

Finally, in your own words, define the term rhetoric.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Rhetoric Reading Response
These readings provide essential information about the importance of understanding rhetorical situations. Rhetorical situations are vital in every form of writing, either informal or formal. For example, when writing an essay or when texting a friend, a writer should do that within a distinct rhetorical situation. The writers have emphasized the importance of rhetorical analysis in producing content which is persuasive and that meets required guidelines.
Further, these texts aid in comprehending some of the factors that writers should consider when evaluating their rhetorical situations. These include their purpose, the stance, the genre, the medium to be used and the design. This reading may have been assigned to help understand why students should think about rhetorical situations in their writing processes.
The provided texts explain how rhetoric may help in dealing with complicated arguments when writing. The information provided in thes...
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