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Romanticism Composed Upon Westminster Bridge

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Romanticism Composed Upon Westminster Bridge

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Composed Upon Westminster Bridge
Romanticism, widely known as the Romantic period or the Romantic era, was a literary, intellectual, musical and artistic movement that took place in Europe in the second half of the 18th century. This is era is characterized by its emphasis on individualism, glorification, and emotions of the past and nature, giving more preference to the medieval than the classical. In his poem titled Composed Upon Westminster Bridge, William Wordsworth sheds light on different aspects of the Romantic period and writes a lot of interesting things about the mighty and soft hearts of people living in the City of London.
In order to prove his viewpoint, William Wordsworth shares different examples, such as in the first line, he mentions the word “earth” (Davis 18), which makes the reader feel that it is an incredible Romantic poem. A brief reference to God at the end of this poem seems to be perfunctory. Centuries ago, poets and narrators used to describe the beauty of nature by emphasizing heaven, the afterlife, the existence of God and the universe. The Romantic era was all about the visible and invisible beauty of nature, with an emphasis on connecting all these things to God and making us understand that a superpower is controlling whatever is happening in this world and the entire universe.
Moving on, in the second line, William Wordsworth posits the existence of people whose souls are “dull” (Davis 18). Centuries ago, the Romantics used to be concerned about the visible things of this world. They were sensitive to everything which ...
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