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The Meaning of Work: Analysis and Presentation of your Argument

Essay Instructions:

The subject can either be: What is the meaning of work to you, both personal and in the context of your family history? Or another topic would be: What Impact do you think a woman running for president has on gender stereotypes?

Format for your Paper:


This is, the introduction to your paper. You will explain your topic and introduce your thesis and topic in one or two paragraphs.

Analysis and Presentation of your Argument

This will be the largest section of your paper. You will give a full analysis of the situation and present a strong argument about it. You may use your reading as a reference if appropriate, but mostly your personal interpretation is the key for this paper. You may present both sides of the argument if you wish.


The “Evaluation” section provides an opportunity to critically examine the facts and/or arguments used. Evaluate the situation, examples. You also can present the other side of the argument if you choose and tell which side you believe would be strongest. You may use outside sources, (they do not have to be scholarly or peer reviewed for these reaction papers) remembering you must give citations and a reference or Works Cited list in MLA.


Give a Final Summary of your thoughts. This section will be a couple of paragraphs.

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The Meaning of Work
Understanding work differs based on an individual's background. Work defines a person's ability to achieve different task and success in life. From the economic understanding, I think work is the most debatable contexts among workers. Also, working conditions facilitates productivity and motivates workers. I also believe that compensation, working time and working conditions determine an individual's motivation to work (Arnoux-Nicolas et al., 704). However, work is understood differently across different parts of the world. For example, the majority of people perceive it as an activity conducted to earn income. Work requires the utilization of energy thus requires rest. It is also done with a purpose thus meeting specified levels of expectation. It is an activity that is conducted to fulfill duties and role. Based on a personal understanding, I think work contains a broad meaning, that can be described in multiple ways.
When people mention work, I think of it as an act of accomplishing the task. Besides, it is a primary mode of production that a person does for a living. Therefore, it engages a majority group of people in society. Work is conducted differently thus different understanding. Performance of work further relies on the skills and the way a person is trained to do the job. Performing well or conducting productive work varies from one person or the other. The variance occurs due to the diverse context of how people understand work. Hands-on skills are crucial for conducting excellent job. Besides, other aspects such as being industrious and committed influences the rate of accomplishing whi...
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