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Article Working for Dream Clients Report

Essay Instructions:

Please read the article "working for dream clients" and write a page report (some thoughts) about it. The photos of article included in the additional file, I named the file p1 to p5 with order.

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Working for Dream Clients Report
The article ‘'Working for Dream Clients'' is a perfect example of how much work photographers put in their craft, to win their dream clients and also make a good amount of money in the process. Photographers, the article points out, have to be consistent and create the right networks which would in turn help in connecting them to the right people who would be part of their creative direction.
Christian Kozowyk, worked his way up to shooting an image library for Bank of America with smaller assignments for different parts of the corporation. Photographers should have a strong belief in what they do and a strong commitment to their work. Kozowyk says in the article ‘’when you do work you believe in strongly, you cannot go wrong, and you feel excited about it’’.
Photographers should be authentic in their work; it pa...
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