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How to Replace a Shower Curtain with an Automatic Glass Curtain

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How to Replace a Shower Curtain with an Automatic Glass Curtain
Fixing and replacing are some of the most common activities in households, places of work and schools. These activities are usually aimed at minimizing wastage and enabling recycling. After all, it is a common phenomenon for manufactured or built items to incur damage, breakage or obsoleteness. Hence, there is an undeniable need to ensure that relevant repairs and replacements are carried out. As the global population is becoming increasingly aware about sustainability, the concept of iFixIt has become a reality that can never be overlooked. Companies, businesses, individuals and households have established that it is the highest time the planet is saved from depletion and pollution through fixing and recycling the already available resources. By employing reliable, yet practical solutions, it has become increasingly easy to work towards sustainability. For instance, with the rise of electronic gadgets, e-waste has proven to be a menace that has warranted the attention of scholars and environmental enthusiasts alike. Similarly, the concept of replacing shower curtains with automatic glass should not be overlooked. It is advisable to ensure that the curtains being replaced is not damaged in case they were to be recycled or used later. Similarly, fitting an automatic glass shower curtain should be done carefully, with the help of another person to avoid damage to the curtain. Hence, it is paramount to have a step by step procedure in place to ensure a smooth process as stipulated in this proposal. This proposal is a guide on how to replace a shower curtain with an automatic glass curtain. It is a step by step guide that entails removing the curtain, necessary tools and installing automatic glass curtain
Estimated Difficulty and Time Required
Undeniably, this task has proven to be a challenge for most people. For persons with minimal experience in handling construction and electrical equipment, this task may pose a significant challenge. For a person with minimal experience, it should approximately 2 to 3 days. However, for a person who have dealt with this kind of work before, it should him or her 1 day.
Replacing a shower curtain with an automatic glass curtain should never be regarded as an uphill task. Instead, the procedure below should be helpful for any handyman. This process entails removing the permanent curtain and using a sliding glass doors that uses motion sensors to slide.
Removing Shower Curtains
Tools needed: a four to five foot piece of lumber. 1/8Allen wrench, Phillips screw driver, needle-nose pliers, putty knife, 600-grit sand paper
1 The first step of removing a shower curtain should be locating the screws. Screws, which support the escutcheons are mostly located on the rims (Xu, 2010, p. 4). After locating the screws, it is important to use an Allen wrench to loosen the screws rather than using physical force which would otherwise cause damage to the wall and the curtain rod.
2 After unscrewing using the Allen wrench, the escutcheons should be slid towards the center of the rod.
3 The next step should entail unscrewing the brackets. In most cases, shower brackets tend to be screwed directly to the wall. These brackets should be removed using Phillips screw drivers. After unscrewing, the bar should fall at a height that would you to pull the bracket out of the wall (Xu, 2010, p. 6). In case it does not lower, it should not be forced. Instead, the end of the bar should be supported as the removal process proceeds. After removing the brackets, it is now possible to dismount the bar. After all, the brackets are usually inserted into both ends of the bar. They should be pulled and set aside carefully. This is in case they are to be used in the future.
4 Patching and Repairing the holes
In this case, the curtain will be replaced with an automatic glass curtain. Hence, it will be paramount to patch up the holes left by the rods Kordes, 2000, p. 8). This process entails using needle-nose pliers to remove the wall anchors.
5 After removing the wall anchors, spackling compound and dry-wall joint compounds should be applied evenly using a putty knife. This compound should be allowed to dry. After that, sand should be applied.
6 After sand is applied, the surface should be retouched using paint.
If the curtain rod was mounted on a tiled surface, it is essential to patch the holes using polyester resin. After filling the holes using this compound, a wet sand paper should be used to smoothen the surface to give it an enamel finishing. Two coats of finishing should be done using a 600-grit sand paper.
Fitting an Automatic Curtain Glass
Automatic glass curtains have become a common phenomenon across various households. However, it is essential to note that there are various types of automatic glass curtains. Fortunately, the process of installing these curtains is generic. Below is a step by step guide of installing and automatic glass shower curtain.
Stainless screws, wood shims, anchors, tape. Silicone sealant, silicone caulk and dispenser
Tools Needed
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