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Essay: Police and Security Department

Essay Instructions:

choice one topic to write one eassay

Topic A

When we give up on truth, we concede power to those with the wealth and charisma to create spectacle in its place. Without agreement about some basic facts, citizens cannot form the civil society that would allow them to defend themselves. If we lose the institutions that produce facts that are pertinent to us, then we tend to wallow in attractive abstractions and fictions. Truth defends itself particularly poorly when there is not very much of it around.

Social media is no substitute: It supercharges the mental habits by which we seek emotional stimulation and comfort, which means losing the distinction between what feels true and what actually is true.

excerpted from “The American Abyss” by Timothy Snyder

The New York Times, January 9, 2021

Topic B

...In America in 2020, calling the police to report anything but the most urgent, severe threats has a significant chance of making things worse…

“A lot of things we consider to be criminal aren’t criminal,” said Keon L. Gilbert, an associate

Professor at Saint Louis University’s College for Public Health who studies racial disparities in

policing. “They’re public health issues that have gone unaddressed.” ... police departments are not subject to the training, transparency or accountability of government social service programs…. Training on mental illness, substance abuse and de-escalation is often perfunctory.

“Police are effectively armed social workers with minimal training in social work,” said Michael

Sierra-Arévalo, an assistant professor at the University of Texas at Austin who has spent more

than 1,000 hours in police department ride-alongs. “Officers are trained to believe that the world is incredibly dangerous and they’re socialized to think about crime and violence all the time.”

Officers bring this mindset to all of their calls, whether they’re responding to a shooting or a shoplifter. And once they arrive, they have few tools other than arrests to mediate disputes.

“Policing is a system designed to create interactions doomed to become catastrophes,”

Sierra-Arévalo said.

Should I call 911 if....

Michael Hobbes, Huffpost

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Topic B
The security department is a very outstanding sector in the world on both sides of the scale. The police exist like they are in a segregated land and often have fixed minds. The training they undergo often narrows their minds to their professional specialty. First, the law and order department is a crucial sector that no entity, firm, or government wants to risk. It determines the peace the world enjoys.
Private security companies exist to substitute services provided by police officers, showing the seriousness of the sector. In any case, all the security personnel is very poor at social interactions (Nix et al., 38). This is evident across the world in many cases. Vivid examples are African countries whose security personnel blindly follow orders from their commanders. In Uganda, a country in Africa, police officers were accused of committing several crimes against humanity during the campaign period. The police intimidated, teargassed, and shot the opponents of the incumbent president Yoweri Museve...
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