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Remarque and Kafka:Power and Powerlessness Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

The test consists of you writing one essay response to the following themes. As you will see, the themes are broad, so a big part of your response involves you creating a clear, specific thesis about the theme you have chosen. I would like you to discuss the theme and pursue the thesis in relation to two of the works that we have discussed in class. And so, I would like you to discuss two authors for the essay, e.g. one on Schnitzler and Remarque and one on Remarque and Kafka. As we did more than one work by Kafka, your range is a bit more open in regards to what you can choose from him. Your essay should be approximately 1,500 words.


GERM 1025/1026 Final Exam


Due Date:  December 16 (to be uploaded via Brightspace)


The test consists of you writing one essay response to the following themes.  As you will see, the themes are broad, so a big part of your response involves you creating a clear, specific thesis about the theme you have chosen.   I would like you to discuss the theme and pursue the thesis in relation to two of the works that we have discussed in class.  And so, I would like you to discuss two authors for the essay, e.g. one on Schnitzler and Remarque and one on Remarque and Kafka.  As we did more than one work by Kafka, your range is a bit more open in regards to what you can choose from him.  Your essay should be approximately 1,500 words. 



Here are the themes:


Power and Powerlessness

The Corruption of Society

Authority and Anti-Authority

Love and Hatred

Love and the Abuse of Love

The Role of Class

The Family

Generational Conflict

Morality and Immorality

The Role of Irony

Justice and Injustice

Literature and History

Learning and Failing to Learn from Experience



For example, you might look at the themes of power and powerlessness  in “The Penal Colony” and in All Quiet on the Western Front or you might look at the role of class in La Ronde and All Quiet on the Western Front, etc.  Some of these responses will inevitably be compare and contrast in structure; when it comes to such essays, structure your paper in terms of ideas instead of discussing one work for half the essay and another work for the other half. As with your previous essays, you must use proper essay structure:  a clear introductory paragraph that closes with a specific, strong thesis; paragraphs organized around topics that support your thesis and that are structured in a clear, logical way; a sense of transition from point to point; evidence from the text that supports your thesis and/or supporting points; and, finally, a strong conclusion.


For the essay, you should use your books, as I would like you to quote directly from the primary texts.  As with previous essays, points will be gained or lost on the basis of how you use the texts to support your argument.  While you do not need to make use of the kind of critical secondary material that you used for Essay 3, you can quote from the lectures as a potential secondary source.  As with previous essays, points will be gained or lost on the basis of how you use the texts to support your argument.  Be sure to include the bibliographic information for the texts (print or online) that you have used at the end of the exam.   


As always, please let me know if you have any questions.


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Remarque and Kafka: Power and Powerlessness
Power and powerlessness are shown in different ways by authors Kafka and Ramarque in their different pieces of writing. While Kafka uses animalistic metaphors to show power and powerlessness, in Ramarque’s writings power is used to oppress the powerless in society. This piece shows the different perspectives and depictions of power in the works of the two authors.
Power is one of the leitmotifs of Kafka’s works and has been depicted in different ways; he shows power in an animalistic. Through the metaphor of animality three dimensions of power are shown; animals and human beings are used to show how human’s attitude of caring towards their pets is a significant ground of totalizing power. Also, animality turns to have a connection with divinity in the form of perfect or absolute power as brought from the biblical story of Abraham wanting to sacrifice his son Isaac to show God love instead of using animals. Biblically, later God gives him a lamb to sacrifice.
Kafka shows power and powerlessness using small animals to depict both. Using the metaphor of the mole found in Kafka’s diaries and stories depicts big moles with gigantism that depicts power and small moles to depict powerlessness (Kafka, pp 162-168). Also, Kafka’s depiction of power is seen in “The Hunter Gracchus” showing the dove as a big cock”, big whiskers from “A Crossbreed” (426-427), extra-large eggs in the sixth blue octavo notebook (pp 17), and in the second notebook we have a huge city. Kafka also shows power by the depiction of gigantic people. There is the gigantic narrator in the notebook depicted as a Chinese with half-closed eyes. From a” Letter to His Father” (ppp17-19) we have the huge man, my father,” whose presence was a threat to Kafka. Kafka says to him, “You were such a giant in every respect.” Another depiction of power depicted by gigantism is brought out by the “political careerist” depicted in “Fragments from Note-Books and Loose Pages” (a gigantic man with gigantic jaws, moving gigantically (pp 366-269).
In “Before the Law” (pp 4-5) there was the doorkeeper that the writer compared to the end of history. In Kafka’s piece the “The Village Schoolmaster,” he does not only depict giants, but his art involves explaining processes that result from something, to become overbearing, gigantic, and oppressive to depict the growth of power from being powerless to being powerful. It shows that some people treat others well when they are not in power but when they get power; they turn to be the worst of human creation.
On the other hand, Kafka also depicts powerlessness in his works. Like in “The Village Schoolmaster”, he still uses the metaphor of the proverbial blind moles. Powerlessness is depicted in the city dweller whose self-interest and short-sightedness shows him as a near-sighted and idiotic mole when the man from the country-side invokes in him a burst of hearty laughter. The passage is recognizable in analyzing the city dweller and country-man and illicit theme variation of power and powerlessness. It should be realized that while the man from the country-side is an old man and the man from the city is a young man. The old man is depicted to be more powerful shown from his deceitful nature when dealing with younger people that are depicted to be powerless since he is less deceitful. The young businessman admits that most old people are mendacious, deceitful in how they deal with young people.
In the scene where the schoolmaster gets extremely angry and exaggerates his response mole, it is a show of power that drives him. According to Kafka fighting “is the only thing to do” and when on...
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