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Love and the Abuse of Love Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

The test consists of you writing one essay response to the following themes. As you will see, the themes are broad, so a big part of your response involves you creating a clear, specific thesis about the theme you have chosen. I would like you to discuss the theme and pursue the thesis in relation to two of the works that we have discussed in class. And so, I would like you to discuss two authors for the essay, e.g. one on Schnitzler and Remarque or one on Remarque and Kafka, etc. As we did more than one work by Kafka, your range is a bit more open in regards to what you can choose from him. Your essay should be approximately 1,500 words.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Love and Love Abuse as Depicted in Literary Texts
Literary themes would often have something to do with romanticism and other love concerns. There have been plenty of works that are famous for love conflicts in their narratives. We have Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, and Virginia Wolf's Mrs. Dalloway. These works contain romantic accounts, love struggles, and issues between relationships in one way or another. Most of the time, narratives of the same kind would revolve around the romantic relationship between two characters in the story. They are either the main characters or the supporting ones.
We often assume that love as a theme would showcase romantic relationships between the opposite sex. When we say love or romanticism, we picture passionate actions and affection when two characters interact. However, love is more than just the typical romantic love. Contrary to our assumption of love as a theme, it may showcase different kinds of love and relationships. There can be a love of family, friends, friends, country, and many more. Aside from the types of love between relationships, there are also kinds of love interaction. Love can be nurturing, encouraging, hurtful, and even abusive.
Love ranges from different types of relationships to different ways of showing affection. Though, we have this misconception that love would only bring happiness and fulfillment. Literary texts could only deliver love themes in their readers' convenience despite having the ranges of love in their narratives. It means that readers would only pick up love learnings and understandings according to how they interpret them. Hence, people need awareness of love as a theme in literary texts. To further understand, let us discuss love and abuse of love as depicted in Kafka's The Judgement and Remarque's Dream Story.
Love and Abuse of Love
The expression of our affection towards a person is different for everyone. We cannot generalize on the proper way to show how we feel about the other person. Some people are physically affectionate; they like skin-to-skin interactions like holding hands, hugs, or just sitting next to each other. Some prefer verbal expressions like affirming their loved ones, saying I-love-yous, and words of encouragement. Others are not explicit and would choose minimal actions like helping in chores, saying yes to requests, and sharing food or things.
Love manifests in different forms depending on whom a person prefers to show their feelings. Just like how we show love differently, to whom we express it varies as well. The person receiving love may be a family member, a friend, a pet, nature, the country, etc. To each receiver, love is of a different kind. Though, when we talk of love, we would always think of a romantic relationship. We would assume that love would talk about two people in a passionate connection with each other. Thus, romantic love has become a famous theme for most literary texts and narratives.
In Arthur Schnitzler's Traumnovelle (Dream Story) (1976), love seems to portray a more complex narration. The novel tells the story of a couple who explore relationships outside their marriage. Such is one of the typical plots in love stories wherein either couple or both would fall out of love. In Traumnovelle (1976), the couples brave to find what lies behind their desires for other people other than their partner. Summarizing their story in a sentence would seem tragic for their relationship. A love story where couples fall out of love is not the narrative everyone would buy. However, for Traumnovelle, it is conquering the feeling that sprouts from outside marriage. What is more intriguing is that they made each ...
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