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Literature & Language
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Sociology Critical Reflection. Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

How did you perform in our class this semester and what have you learned? Think back to the first post you made for this class, as well as the reflection you wrote at the midterm. Go back and read them over if that will help.

In lieu of a final exam, I would like you to write a critical reflection on your own learning process. Think of it as a self-assessment of the skills you have developed over the course of the semester. How well have you done? Have you been able to adequately incorporate a sociological perspective into your understanding of and experience of health and illness? These are the general questions under consideration. The paper will be 3-4 pages long, double-spaced with a 12 pt font.

Where are you now in your thinking about health and illness? Think back to the beginning of the course, as well as the midterm reflection. What were your preconceptions about health and illness when you wrote that first post to share with the class? Where were you at the midterm? How has the material we have studied over the past five weeks influenced or changed how you perceive or understand health and illness? What stands out in terms of specific revelations or shifts in your worldview? If nothing has changed, or you have not found the material compelling or persuasive, please take time to consider why that is the case. What could you do to get more out of the experience of our collective consideration of a sociological understanding of health and illness?

Of course, I mean to invoke your sociological imaginations to answer this question. But you can also report on any more personal changes (or lack thereof) to your understanding of what makes people sick or healthy in any particular society. After all, for me (for many sociologists) these realms are inextricably linked. Has your understanding of or experience of your own illness or that of someone you know changed as a result of your new grasp on a sociological analysis of health and illness? If so, feel free to reflect on this change in your essay.

This paper does not require research or formal citation. However, you should be specific in referencing course material and how it may have affected you or shifted your perspective on health and illness.


Reflection Rubric

Reflection Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCritical Self-Evaluation

Essay demonstrates critical thinking about student's learning experience in the course thus far. Student considers what they have done well and how they could improve their performance over the remainder of the semester.

4.0 pts

Full Marks

0.0 pts

No Marks

4.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCourse Material

Reflection explicitly references course material and assignments as student demonstrates what they have learned about the sociological study of health and illness thus far.

4.0 pts

Full Marks

0.0 pts

No Marks

4.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQuality of Writing

Writing is of good quality and relatively free of editorial errors.

2.0 pts

Full Marks

0.0 pts

No Marks

2.0 pts

Total Points: 10.0

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Sociology Critical Reflection
In my opinion, I think I performed fairly this semester. I learned many things about social life and how I can apply sociological concepts to deal with life issues. Moreover, the various exercises we undertook, particularly the preparation of discussions, writing assignments, and reflection, helped me develop critical thinking and writing skills. These are important for the communication of concepts in the work environment. The learning process has been enriching, and I believe that there are many things that will benefit me in the coming years. Grasping the sociological concepts is effective when there are frequent exercises that engage and allow a person to relate them to his or her own life. I can confidently say that this class has been challenging but has caused a significant transformation in my own life. There are several key aspects that I learned and incorporated into my own life.
First, the preparation of discussion posts and reflection essays was very important to me. The exercises not only gave me an opportunity to relate the class concepts to my own life but also challenged me to learn how to write critically and effectively. Learning to write is an important exercise for any student. In the field of sociology, people are always expected to document information in reports and summary papers. This can never be accomplished if one does not have proper writing abilities.
Secondly, writing is a process that requires the application of critical thinking skills. In order to write effectively, an individual must be able to synthesize information from different sources into meaningful concepts and arguments. The audience must be able to follow and understand what the writer is saying. Therefore, the class enhanced my critical thinking abilities. I am confident that I can synthesize and interpret scientific information into a format and style that ordinary people can grasp. This is an important skill for sociologists. In society, sociologists are expected to research, analyze key information, and draw conclusions. However, this information must be disseminated to people who can translate it into policies or guidelines that will benefit communities. This can only be achieved if one has strong writing and critical thinking skills. It allows appropriate and comprehensive communication of important information to ...
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