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How can teenagers become more resilient?

Essay Instructions:

1st paragraph: Hook, three main points, thesis

2nd,3rd,4th: each talks about one main point and each has a topic sentence and three supporting points

5th: restate thesis and summarize three main points

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How Can Teenagers Become More Resilient?
Adolescence is a very critical stage of transition where many teenagers find themselves unable to control their behaviors or feelings toward others. During this period, teenagers undergo significant mental, psychological, mental, and physical changes. Resilient teenagers are able to cope with difficult situations since they understand that challenges are inevitable in life. However, the only thing that enables young people to behave in the right way and overcome problems in life is resilience. Parents should not focus on protecting their children from difficult situations in life, instead, they should teach them how to be resilient. Teenagers can be taught to be more resilient by making them emotionally intelligent, empathetic, and optimistic.
Emotional intelligence entails the ability of people to know how their emotions affect others. Many teenagers do not understand that some of the things they do hurt others. They do not mind how their behaviors affect others, which contributes to interpersonal conflicts. In particular, emotionally intelligent teenagers are resilient since they control their emotions and feelings to avoid hurting others. For example, such young people always listen to their parents since they understand that ignorance can damage their relationship with guardians. When these teenagers are ordered to do something, they do it without questioning since they want to retain a proper relationship with people close to them. Consequently, emotional intelligence is a vital aspect that enhances resilience among teenagers.
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