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Religious Authors

Essay Instructions:
Writer,select three authors (from the uploaded pages for my last 5 orders) whose writings expressed religious content or ideas. Determine the political purpose for writing what they write; or in other words, determine how these authors desired to change the political world around them through publishing works with religious content. Carefully craft a well-organized essay in which you take time to clearly support the arguments you make in the body of your paper with specific examples from the reading. Be sure that your introduction makes clear where you're headed with your essay and why and that your conclusion moves beyond simply summarizing your paper. Cite varied examples from the readings in MLA format in order to support your perspective. Include a works cited page.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
It has been a major issue when it comes to settling disagreement between parties. The final decision which comes to the minds of most people is war. However, other techniques can be used to settle these disagreements. These include religious politics. This article tries to review some of the religious techniques proposed by some of the authors to curb this problem.
1. William Bartram’s Reasons and Revolution
The author tries to explain how the rationalistic aspect of the European enlightment infused into the minds of the Americans. “The age of reason manifested a rationalistic view of humanity in its relations with nature and God, suggested the extension of the principles of equality and social justice, and encouraged the belief that humans might assume greater control of the nature without offending the majesty of God”( Bartram 249).
The book further explains that Frenchman, Francois Quesnay (1694-1774) strengthened this doctrine by asserting that society was based on the resources of nature and on land itself. This resulted in agrarian thought that was interesting to Thomas Jefferson rationalism contributed to deism. “For the confirmed Deist, God was the first cause, but the hand of God was more evident in the mechanisms of nature than in scriptural revelation” (Bartram 250). The people who confined their affairs to practical Deism such as Franklin, Jefferson and Washington contributed greatly to the institutions of their country.
Jonathan Edwards
According to John Edwards, divine power can be used to obtain freedom from oppression. This spiritual and divine light is given directly by God to human kind. As an explanation, the author provides a brief description of the power. He says that power is different from inspiration matters. It does not show new policy, it gives no suggestion to the mind neither does it teach something strange about God or Christ. “This spiritual light is not the suggesting of any new truths or propositions not contained in the word of God” (Edwards 258).The only difference between this type of power and other types is that it provides a due impression of those things talked about in the bible.
Secondly, this power is not composed of the effects of the teaching of the bible. Rather it is composed of impression of the divine excellence of the issues revealed in the scripture. This power is given by God in varied ways.
When man understands the word of God, it is assumed that God has let his light into the heart of a man. The light from God is viewed in the way man makes use of it rather than where it comes from.” For here is by this light only given a due apprehension of the same truths that are revealed in the word of God” (Edwards 261).
It does not involve the revelation of new truths; rather it involves confirmation of the truths that are revealed in the word of God. Consequently, it cannot be given without the word of God. This is achieved through the use of the gospel. The gospel acts as a glass through which the light is given to us.
This power is produced by God rather tha...
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