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Reading Review. Kisner, Jordan. "Rain Is Sizzling Bacon; Cars Are Lions Roaring: The Art Of Sound In Movies | Jordan Kisner." The Guardian

Essay Instructions:

read the article and write a review


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Reading Review
Capturing and luring the imagination of the audience in a movie theatre within the first few minutes of a film through to the end is critical to the success of the movie. The success behind the captivating sounds and noises in movies is the sound editors. Editors can replicate sounds that might be reasonably produced in the film naturally mimicking the natural sounds.
In the article, Kisner examines and outlines the work performed by a talented voice editor and designer namely Skip Lievsay. Popular in his circles, Skip Lievsay is a preeminent sought-after sound designer with the perfect ear for the job. Together with his team of sound editors and designers, Lievsay is tasked with the post-production work in film production. Working on small segments of the film, often split in just a few seconds, sound engineers expertly engage the audience by producing life-like sounds, as if a microphone collected the sounds. For perfect outcome, Lievsay and his team are involved in research that aims to replicate the sounds and capture the imagination of the audience without raising a suspension of their presence.
The author depicts patience as the work of sound engineers consume time work of sound engineers is time-consuming, even as work consists of small segments of work. For example, sound mixing of short movie segments involving short four-second intervals takes hours that stretch to even days for a roughly two-hour movie. The work of the sound engineer in post-film production is to imagine the audience and how they react to sounds, given the visuals of the film....
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