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An Argument On The Role Of Women In Tartuffe

Essay Instructions:

The composition is in the form of a dissertation, and the arguments surrounding it are the Discussions of roles in women in Moliere's play, Tartuffe. How do Dorine and Elmire display wit, intelligence, and independence?. The premise is that you need to read the Taruffe script and complete the essay.

Requirement: These will be 4-5 page papers that interpret and/or judge the arguments or issues raised by a literary work. As you frame your argument, you must express what you consider to be the writer’s meaning and also consider the fact of difference in cultural milieu and historical period. Evaluative Criteria: 1)argumentative thesis; 2) thesis supported with appropriate and well chosen evidence (selected quotations, analysis, and interpretation); 3) organization; 4)clear syntax, correct spelling and punctuation, style.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name: Professor’s Name Course: Date: An argument on the role of women in Tartuffe Molière Tartuffe empowers female gender in his play many years before the movement that supports feminism began. This can be proven as the female character’s behavior, word and the action taken by them was utterly out of the characters portrayed by the female genders at that time. At that time gender inequality was extreme, and women in the play try to fight against these inequalities. Molière uses the female characters in order to support the traditional role of women and on the other side to challenge those roles. Elmire and Dorine play a significant role in support of the female gender though they had different chores in their homes. They fight for everything that they believe is right by speaking out their minds without fear or leaving anything behind. On the other hand, Mariane follows the traditional role of women such that it required them to be submissive to men under all circumstances (Guicharnaud 121). Women should be empowered in their role in society. Below are shreds of evidence from the play in which Molière uses Dorine and Elmire to explain the above hypothesis. Dorine strongly contradicts with the role given to the female gender, by the tradition. Her behavior in the play is entirely honorable as she was speaking out what she wanted even if the tradition did not recognize it as a female role. She was a retainer of Mariane, but she was not quiet about her feelings, but she speaks out to Tartuffe, Orgon, and Mariane. This is a behavior that was not common by the waiting-maids at that time. As it was the role for the male to express their feeling to the women and not vise vasa as women were required by the tradition to be calm before the men (Chill 23). Despite the limited educational background, lack of a wealthy father to depend on, she is intelligent and uses her intellectual skills rationally. These skills enable her to confuse Orgon when she advised Mariane not to marry Tartuffe. She uses some tactics to prove to Organ that Tartuffe was not the right choice for Mariane (Cairncross 112). This proved how powerful and intelligent Dorine was. Dorine was talkative to the point that she even interrupts Orgon when he is talking with his girl in private place, “Daughter, I promise you I am not in jest.”, “Go, go; do not believe your father, madame, he does but a joke.” (2.2. 12-14). This lady shows a bold character as she was fearless to the male adult and this is something that was considered awkward at that time as ladies were supposed to be cautious about how they speak with the male adults. Dorine helps Mariane from being unhappy through her life when she convinces her not to marry Tartuffe, "And according to all appearance, he loves you as she and we responded “This is because she was intelligent and she knew that once you” decided with the influence of other people especially the male counterpart, you will regret for a lifetime period. For instance, Dorine advised her not to break her ...
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