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The Humanity Of The Creature In Frankenstein And Human Qualities

Essay Instructions:

Write a response of at least 500 words to the following prompt.

One of the novel’s tragedies is the inability of characters to recognize the humanity of the creature. What qualities make us human? Which of these qualities does the creature possess? What qualities does he not have?

CL wants citation from Frankenstein

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The humanity of the Creature in Frankenstein and Human Qualities
Frankenstein the monstrous creature asks its creator to complete his work and create a female companion for him, and he would not bother him again. Victor Frankenstein initially agreed to this and promised the creature a companion, but he was remorseful for what he had created and decided not to make another creature. Man’s relationship with nature and science and the moral consequences of people’s actions are explored in the novel, as the creature vows revenge for he cannot live with people and is isolated with no companion. As the father/creator, Victor does more harm as he is not empathetic and loving, and lacks normal emotional response, while the monster is isolated from humanity.
Human beings ought to be good and show compassion to their fellow human beings, and Victor did not represent these qualities was repulsed by his creation and mistreated the creature. Frankenstein indicated that his soul glowed with love and humanity; but he was alone and, the creator avoided him (Shelley 114). The few people who see the creature is horrified such as Felix De Lacey who was frightened, and when the creature heard Felix describe the horror he experienced, Frankenstein knew his link with humanity was now broken. As such people are human when they are capable of loving others and treat them respectfully that they do not need to revenge for perceived wrongs, but they also seek to better themselves like the creature.
Learning and living in a community are important parts of humanity that differentiate the life of the creature and the human beings....
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