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Etymological Report on The Word Divinity

Essay Instructions:

Explain the origins, multiple meanings, and usage variances of a the word divinity in the English lexicon over the course of its history. In-text and works cited MLA citations for referenced material are required. Do not simply list definitions. Do not simply provide examples of the word in sentences. Use research to attempt to explain how and why the word usage changes. MUST use the Oxford English Dictionary as one of the resources. Etymonline.com is recommended as a source. Unlimited amount of resources, 4 is just the minimum.

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Student`s Name Professor`s Name Course Code and Name Date Etymological Report on The Word Divinity According to the Oxford English dictionary, divinity is a noun that is used to refer to something that is in the state of the divine (Dictionary, Oxford English 2008). It can also be used in describing the study of religion which brings about an outline of the people believes in God or gods. According to the etymology dictionary, divinity refers to the science of divine things such as the character of being Devine. It is derived from the old French Divinity and the Latin word divitatem. Therefore, it is a general term that can refer to various sacred things or situation in the world or religion. Its meaning depends on the context within which it is used. The word divinity if often used in religion to mean something that is from a supernatural being. It is the power of God and therefore, regarded as holy or sacred. Things are known to be divine because their existence cannot be compared to natural occurrences in the world and therefore, their occurrence must be triggered by a supernatural being. Divinity originated from the Latin Deus and the Greek Zeus. The uses of the word vary regarding the context in which it is being used. Divinity can be used as a divine force or power, an entity or mortals. Entity Regarding monotheistic faiths, divinity is used to refer to a singular God that everyone in that faith believes in. In such cases, the word takes the definite article "the," whereby it is capitalized and referred to as "The Divinity" This is a representation of a proper name in the English dictionary. When capitalized, Divine may be used as an adjective to refer to the revelations of such power. For instance, a person can say that they are enjoying the Divine presence. Also, in the case whereby the word is not capitalized and lacks the article "the," it is used to refer to gods or other beings that do not fit in Godhood and lie outside the human powers. Divine force or power As well, the word divinity is also used to describe the occurrence of a transcendent power in the world. Such powers are often associated with a divine intervention which an ordinary human being cannot explain. The powers are therefore attributed to the unseen. In the case of polytheistic faith, they believe that such powers are as a result of the ac...
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