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2 pages/≈550 words
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English (U.S.)
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Reading Response to Robert J. Podesva’s

Essay Instructions:

Students will read a paper and write a 500 word response describing the research question, methods, and results of the paper and providing a brief analysis discussing their thoughts on the merits of the paper and its broader implications.

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Name: Instructor: Course: Date: Reading Response #3 This is a response to Robert J. Podesva’s article that talks of Phonation type as a stylistic variable. One of the aspects of the research article is the description of the research question. One of the research question elements covered in the article is the conversational settings and the particular identification aspects that might surround stylistic shifts. The author represented style shifting under phonation types, which as explained is an important step to help in finding out about the stylistic shifts. I found the article to answer the relevant research questions well as seen through the research material the author related phonation categories to the shifts in style as one can use falsetto to create a persona. The methods used in the study are also quite consummate in collecting the required data to ensure that the final analyzed findings were accurate. The author used case study approaches with acoustic measures. The method further carried out calculations of the maximal level of f0 (Hz) period to allow the measure of falsetto. I find this method to be entirely accurate to help in attesting the hypothesis of the research. The method used further identified aspects of distributive acoustic sequences that characterized the use of falsetto. The method used is also essential as was appropriate in showing that falsetto has an expressive outlook. The researcher used Heath, who is gay and the different contexts he uses falsetto, where they recorded his use of falsetto with ...
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