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Inquiry Four The Danger of a Single Story. Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

Inquiry Four

Two pages (or more) typed

Due Monday, March 18, 2019

“The Danger of the Single Story”

View and listen to Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s video essay, “The Danger of the Single Story.”


(18 minutes, 41 seconds)

Requirements for your Inquiry:

• In writing your inquiry, assume that the readers of your inquiry have never heard Adichie or her video essay, so introduce them to both.

• Quote accurately from Adichie to explain: What is the danger of a single story? Danger usually injures or destroys a people or a place. How can a single story do that?

• Create quote sandwiches. Be sure to think in depth about the quotes you include.

• After each quote, note in parentheses the minutes and seconds left. For example, after your quote you might write (16:23-18:44) to mark the time in the video where your quote occurs. This will be important during class discussion on Monday, 3/18, so that I can locate the quotes you discuss. Hover the cursor over the timeline to get the exact time.

• Use one of Adichie’s specific examples of a dangerous single story to explain: why does such a single story get told? Why do people believe it?

• Why do any of Adichie’s ideas matter to you personally, and why should they matter to others? In other words, in your opinion, what, precisely, is the “so what” of this essay?


• Based on specifics in her essay, ask Adichie a question or questions.

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Inquiry Four: The Danger of a Single Story
Imagine meeting an African woman for the first time and you initiated a conversation with her. Suddenly, you noticed that she can speak fluent English with a British accent. You got baffled and started describing African people as extremely poor, starving and illiterate. This problem of a single minded description of other people is what Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie emphasized in her TED Talk titled "The Danger of a Single Story." Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie is a Nigerian novelist and a storyteller. In her TED Talk, she discusses the effects of stories on how people construct their descriptions and understandings about different societies where single stories often reduce the complexities of human beings. This oversimplified set of beliefs about the personal characteristics of a particular group of people is called Stereotypes (Biernat and Crandall 1996).
In her talk, she explored the problems of stereotyping through the use of a single story. Adichie stated that, “The single story creates stereotypes, and the problem with stereotypes is not that they are untrue, but that they are incomplete. They make one story become the only story (12:45 – 13:13).” Her statement depicts the usage of a single perception to indirectly measure the diverse dimensions of humans. If a single story was about all the negative things about one person or one aspect of a certain nation, then, the nation will be deemed as bad in general.
Adichie even experienced the single generalization of men in her nation because of one negative characteristic in her novel character when she met a university student one day. According to Adichie, “I recently spoke at a university where a student told me that it was such a shame that Nigerian men were physical abusers like the father character in my novel (10:40-10:50).” The university student showed grave ignorance about stereotypical remarks. The generalization looked at Nigerian men as physical abusers with contempt not even taking into account the characteristics of other men Nigeria.
Adichie retaliate the university student’s comment in mil...
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